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About Zhulik

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    Reformed Gamer
  • Birthday 04/02/1997

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    Max Danger

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  1. Debate me as to how Trump is bad! I challenge you leftists, lets go.

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    2. Space


      Bad in what way? I'll take it as his political ideology


      - Doesn't believe in climate change

      - Based campaign on bringing jobs back to America which is economically unfeasible without making basic goods cost insane amounts/lowering minimum wage. As in, he talked about tariffs on imports. But you'd have to put the tariffs to insane levels for it to be more profitable to manufacture **** in America than just make it somewhere else and import it

      - Making abortion illegal

      - Repealing Obama care oh wait nvm he's already going back from that

      - Banning muslims from entering the country (idk what the most recent **** he's said about this)


      In just general 'bad person' opinions or dumb opinions


      - Vaccines cause autism

      - We should steal oil from Iraq

      - Bring back stop and frisk

      - John McCain isn't a warhero because he was a PoW even though he was pretty badass

      - Kill terrorists family

      oh and here's a big list of proof from nasa i remember this specific website that dismantled like every claim by climate change deniers but yeah http://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/

    3. HurferDurfer1


      carbon dioxide, great heat absorbing green house gas, without it earth would be a frozen ball, too much and it would desolate af, as we pump more into the atmosphere, things heat up, perma frost in the north melts, plant matter that had stayed frozen there for thousands of years, rots, releasing methane, an even more efficient heat trapping green house gas, more things melt, the oceans get larger, ignoring coastal flooding, open ocean covers most of the earth, it being naturally dark, absorbs much of the coming sunlight, making things even warmer, and melting more ice,  you get weather in the extremes, harsher winters, more droughts in the summers grggrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrrrrrr trigggerrrreedddd

      its called a positive feedback loop

    4. Zhulik


      but the earth is flat

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