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About Zhulik

  • Rank
    Reformed Gamer
  • Birthday 04/02/1997

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    Max Danger

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  1. people do understand my status updates are sarcasm, right?

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    2. Ever


      Welp, I'm silly. Deleted my status on accident.




      Whether serious or not, it still reflects on you. The server isn't some uptight bureaucratic, professional nightmare, I want to have fun and I want the rest of the team to have fun and enjoy themselves too, but I still expect the team to act professional. They are an example and standard for the playerbase. When it comes down to it, I'm much more interested in trialing an applicant who doesn't show an entitled attitude, even if that entitled attitude is just for fun or sarcastic. 

    3. Zhulik


      The indication of an all lowercase, ill-properly grammar'd "can i be gm yet" does not mean I am demanding the position. What I am arguing, however, is that from the information I have received it appears as if the staff is attempting to blackball me in its entirety for something that occurred literally TWO YEARS ago.

      I have told Harrison that I am in no rush to become a member of the staff as I can work with the bureaucracy, however waiting on the carrot (yes, I have been PMed multiple times that I was being considered to become a GM next month twice now) becomes rather redundant. I would much prefer a member of the staff to simply PM me in an attempt to rectify these issues rather than making up rumors of me instigating E-Harassment on decolamb (which is completely false, hi SKI btw), citing a two year old ban etc. 

      The issue I am arguing here is how it appears to me, and many others, that the staff is being filled with the friends of Admins who simply climb up the staff tree of AT-ET-GM rather than people who have goals.

      An edit to above, perhaps the slam on people who "lack goals" is a bit too far. Should rephrase to people wanting to be on the staff to do something rather than simply hold another position, which is the case for many people.

    4. Swgrclan


      Now that the ironic veil is raised and it all feels fake and hollow. Thanks a lot, bub.

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