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Status Replies posted by Huh

  1. Fortune teller character. Yay or nay?

  2. Have you ever wondered how the colors got their names? No? Now you are.

  3. When is 4.0 coming out please give us a set time and date

  4. Please note, if you coat your weapon in poison, its useless unless your shoving it down someones throat.

  5. What version of mc is the server currently running and what are some ips?

  6. so when does 4.0 come out again


  8. As a LotC greenhorn, I'm a little confused on 4.0. What is it? When is it coming out? How will it affect me? Yadda yadda. All I know is that I should be excited for it. 8)

  9. Hey guys! I need to do a few art commissions to pay for a region change on LoL. If you're interested, send a pm :D

  10. Other than Starbound, any other games on Steam anyone would like to recommend?

  11. Anyone else who watched No Game No Life angry about the ending or is it just me?

  12. Getting kinda bored. Anyone got suggested on what I should do? I want to make a mage just... Don't know what race... Magic... Why... .-. halp.

  13. anyone got a link to how to make a gif your avatar?

  14. I have done nothing but teleport bread for three days!

  15. Working to get the server back up...

  16. how do you transfer horse ownership?

  17. Mechanical Standard doesn't make any sense. I can RP whatever I want if I can do it MCly, yet it's still against the rules to make undeground farms? Why?

  18. i know the recipe c:

  19. Getting back into the full swing of LoL. Any recommended champions for a returning person?

  20. I'd tell acorn-y tree pun, but yew would just leaf.

  21. Day 3 of being banned: I currently have lost all communication with the outside world, hallicunations have set in ((Jk of course thinking of doing this for comedy reasons XD))

  22. league of legends makes me so mad

  23. Woohoo I love the website. It looks great!

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