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Everything posted by Porko

  1. Mount and Blade Warband is drugs

  2. My packet is too big

  3. Raptor, Dragon age isn't even that bad

  4. House Horen would receive a letter. It reads, "To the esteemed and honorable House Horen. I am Evios Hall, son of Darus Hall. I am a highlander at the age of 33. I have served Oren since we landed in the Fringe. I was a Man-at-arms in the Silverblade bannermen, a Decanus in the second regiment of the Imperium Excertitus, and a Provost in the Arm of Disciplinarians. Now, I pledge my sword to you. I will continue to fight for Oren under the Great House Horen. And aye, I accept the benefits in return for my service."
  5. Why does everyone love Pacman, it's a game about drinking as much as you can before your ghosts catch up to you.

    1. Elad™


      Everyone's un-whitelisted while the server is being fixed.

  6. I give in... ._.

  7. No.... too many smilies...

  8. Wierd smiley face status streak: neutralized.

  9. The sun has granted us our status's back. Blaze it & Praise it.

  10. Only seen on forums, 3.14159265358979323846338279/10
  11. MC name: cookedporkchops_ Timezone: EST Skype: cookedporkchops_ (Dan S) Why do you want to play a Ghoul: It seems like a fun, enjoyable and interesting RP experience, and something I want to try out :) Ghoul Description: An Elf. His skin is discolored, rough, as well as wrinkly and his eyes have a strange tint to them. Taking off his hood would reveal his ears have bite marks in them. Do you understand & agree to uphold the rules: Aye.
  12. Sounds interesting and would promote a profession, and get people moving somewhere. Sounds good to me, +1
  13. Never seen anything like you mentioned in this post in RP, but everything you say makes sense, so +1 EDIT: Not saying we should necessarily let bleeding people die, but using glass syringes is unrealistic. Possibly magic or something more realistic and immersive could be used, as a substitute just to make it seem more in-tune with the setting.
  14. Hasn't been posted officially but the Flaming Rose has been disbanded after our head left due to college. Sorry to all who applied/enjoyed.
  15. Fort Angren lookin gud

    1. Heff



  16. Someone stole the throne of Oren... thefuq

    1. Original


      I swear it wasn't me

    2. Stephensj
    3. Narthok


      long live the pumpkin throne


  18. Which will I have first- Dinner? Or 4.0? The race continues...

    1. Endeavour


      Dinner. Do it.

  19. Athera... come to me

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