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Man of Respect

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  1. Isn't it too harsh to deny someone for being 12? We had a lot of this SJW stuff recently where we need to make stuff new-player friendly or young player friendly. Now, someone has to wait, I don't know, six months so he turns 13 and can finally play on a game for kids?

    We're not going elf cybering roleplay on all of this, and I, from a personal point of view, don't see an issue on someone being 12.


    I remember back then when being 13 to ROLEPLAY on a GAME FOR KIDS (lets be honest here, Minecraft is PG 4 and we don't need to go on a crusade by denying everyone that is 12, since people can mature with the server too. Either adapt or leave is the rule of the jungle.


    And then again, besides the creepy spook fucks, what makes LotC an "only big boys" game? I don't recall LotC being a game for people with 13 years or so.



    I'd also like to point out that I'm not criticising the people that made the replies, but instead, the AT guidelines.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LatzMomo


      if 12 year olds cant join then we wouldn't have pando and he really makes the lotc experience complete

    3. Farryn


      I'm afraid that's the new rules that were changed a while ago - you need to be 13 to join the server, as it is PG 13 and is necessary for any applying players to be 13 years old since such content isn't suitable for kids under that age rating. For example - torture, combat, sexual innuendos and indications, and so forth. It may be hard but it is necessary.

    4. Taketheshot


      PG13, IE just lie friends, lie on your application.

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