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Man of Respect

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  1. I'll write my whole feedback about the most recent Christmas event and why I personally didn't like it. I'm doing all of this in a status update since I don't want to make a post or something big that promotes flaming; this is more of a /feedback status update/.


    I am not criticising the actors or anything, but I'm talking more about how poorly it was executed.


    And to start:

    It's Father Krugsmas, not Saint Krug or Krug.


    The event had a nice build unlike every other krugsmas event, where we had Father Krugsmas sitting in a chair at CT handing out a diamond or an iron ingot without lore. You could just sit on his lap and ask for a gift.


    It took too long to be done and some people didn't get the express. I know that it's cool and nice to reward people with little special items for doing something cool, but its Christmas. Just compare how many people were there at the start of the event and at the end.


    The concept of Krampus was annoying. But the skin was cool.


    The people doing events were constantly teleporting memers out and messaging them with threats.


    You couldn't hop on Father Krugsmas cart and sit on his lap because you were memeing.


    Roleplay emotes were far too complex, didn't give the feeling of christmas.


    You couldn't be the grinch on christmas.


    26th of december.


    I don't know if there was the PvP event planned for this 2PM EST, did it happen?


    This is the only christmas on LotC I personally didn't have fun. No one spoke about how good it was on discord.


    But again, this is a feedback thread. If anyone wants to start a flame wars with me, I'll straight up ignore.





    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Archbishop


      I didn't even see these events rip, when were they?

    3. Dreek


      I understood that one of the key attributes of being an event team actor was being able to adapt your event to deal with player actions, whatever they may be, without having to resort to ooc methods to achieve the 'perfect event'. Perhaps the event team is pursuing a different method, of story telling rather than event creation.

    4. Bvie


      Event Team didn't spearhead Krugsmas. The ET that were willing and able assisted the Media Team with Krugsmas as dealing with finals, holidays, nation building, transition to Temp Isle, transition to Atlas, and more, was simply too much for one team to handle in such a short period. You have to remember we landed on Atlas on the 12th I believe, that gave staff less than 12 days to pull together Krugsmas with unplanned restarts, rollbacks, broken plugins and pex, while completing finals, building nations, and preparing for the holidays.

      Unlike past Krugsmas', where the team has months of time being on the map and none of the aforementioned obstacles to deal with, the team could have planned something, but sadly we didn't have that. One of the plans we had was to utilize a Krampus figure that would create RP fighting events with crazy evil toys, leading up to a capture the flag warzone within a christmas theme'd arena where players could choose to either fight for Santa or Krampus. The team that maintained the points longest would be declared the victor and would inturn reflect rewards given out. If Santa won, happy presents and rewards. If Krampus won, gingerbread men that bit back, and ghoulish jack in the boxes. 

      As stated, because of the drain on the ET, it didn't happen. Media Team came through with what they did and those ET that were free and willing (as it is still the holidays and your having people basically 'work' on the holidays) offered to help. 

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