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Man of Respect

Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by Man of Respect

  1. If you want to provide crative RP for the server consider yourself banned! Stick to the script people for thinking outside of the box is prohibited.

  2. Halfling space rockets, 'runic' floating islands and hot air balloons allowed without lore! Ban them too please 

  3. 97 rep, weak.

  4. Daily Reminder I'm terrible at doing daily reminders when I'm busy licking rocks. Fun fact, I have licked two rocks. Sylvite and Halite. Sylvite is potassium chloride and is a bitter salty taste and halite is rock salt, if you don't know what this is, go watch jimmy neutron. I don't recommend you lick Sylvite.

  5. the days blur together, ive stopped feeding my cats my chair has become my bathroom why did u do this to me @Narthok

  6. orc whitewashes are the same thing as playing a green human




  8. hey anyone here smoke weed

  9. orc whitewashes are the same thing as playing a green human

  10. The Empire is looking for someone who can make crests. If you wish to potentially get paid for making some (will negotiate), contact me on this status.

  11. can u sing a song (with guitar) about the dominion please

  12. Hi I need very basic pixel art requests, feel free to ask away.

  13. Hi I need very basic pixel art requests, feel free to ask away.

  14. nice post to rep ratio noob

  15. Remember to appeal your VBs or you won't to participate in sweet sweet click content

  16. Daily Reminder that education is important and even though you may be able to breeze through classes with little effort, practice studying anyways. Find out the technique that works best for you, be it flashcards, listening to music, etc. 

  17. ban pedos and ban anyone who gets a hard on from word sex

  18. Disconnection is a powerful tool of tiny, circlejerk groups to control their magic and take away from those they OOC'ly dislike.

  19. Disconnection is a powerful tool of tiny, circlejerk groups to control their magic and take away from those they OOC'ly dislike.

  20. Disconnection is a powerful tool of tiny, circlejerk groups to control their magic and take away from those they OOC'ly dislike.

  21. Disconnection is a powerful tool of tiny, circlejerk groups to control their magic and take away from those they OOC'ly dislike.

  22. An illusion! What are you hiding...

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