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Man of Respect

Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by Man of Respect

  1. your 4,000 Now in rep!


  2. Are Navi (from Avatar) considered Furries, Elves, Erpers or Progressive Tribalists?

  3. Describe your characters religion in five words.

  4. New Players aren't the problem, your elitist attitude and refusal to help anyone that you deem bellow you, is the problem. ? 

  5. Describe a dramatic experience your character went through in five words.

  6. How do you claim a horse so no one else can ride it, and ultimately steal it?

  7. how do i kill an ascended

  8. why does 'raid baiting' exist

    why does raiding cooldowns exist

    why does raid rules exist

    why arent the weak killed by the strong

    how is this medieval rp

    why do freebuilds exist

    why does tythus buy burger king with donation money

    why do we have magic

    why was ioannis admin


  9. Want to join a new breed of Dark Elves, (now with giant snakes) and contribute to a new era?


    PM me or add me on Discord: #Smaw 9096 

  10. "GLOBAL ASSEMBLY IS EVIL!" Says Renatus as they literally purge every person associated with it and still claim to be the good guys

  11. good luck @im_a_psychopath who is running the london marathon today

  12. Slowly recovering from Botox injections ow ow ow) for my migraines, but the good effects haven't started yet, and I'm experiencing mysterious bouts of nausea every few days for no reason. I'll be on more frequently now but I may go a day or so without coming on (other than to do my votes).


    Hope to be at 100% soon! Thanks for your patience, everyone! <3

  13. imagine how boring rp would be without raiding and pvp... non-stop powergaming and erping all day. Raiders exist to put an end to this nonsense

  14. imagine how boring rp would be without raiding and pvp... non-stop powergaming and erping all day. Raiders exist to put an end to this nonsense

  15. We could have a plugin in place that notifies the player about locking their chests with /cprivate the first time they place a chest ever.


    And maybe in more often intervals if you still have the [N] tag (but this can be deactivated seperatedly so it doesn't forces people to drop their N tag earlier)


    This could avoid new player frustations and I believe that this would be something little and useful.


    And also, GM's can mail players that whenever they log on they will see that mail that notifies them of an eviction? With the region plugin in the future, maybe GMs could issue messages to the whole region when they log on so they know that they're being evicted.



  16. What's a minecraft

  17. dota is matching me with ancestral-legend people in my placement matches

    its insane

  18. When you're walking down the street as a t5 electro mage and you see a little boy so you attack him irp but he uses his 'pvp aspect' of rp to get the better of you.

  19. When you're walking down the street as a t5 electro mage and you see a little boy so you attack him irp but he uses his 'pvp aspect' of rp to get the better of you.

  20. When you're walking down the street as a t5 electro mage and you see a little boy so you attack him irp but he uses his 'pvp aspect' of rp to get the better of you.

  21. When you're walking down the street as a t5 electro mage and you see a little boy so you attack him irp but he uses his 'pvp aspect' of rp to get the better of you.

  22. My update for AT fitness month, 3 miles of running out of the way, behind one mile for today and also like 660 total sit ups.

  23. I'm actually getting fat as fooooook

  24. I didn't know the meaning of anxiety until stardew valley multiplayer was announced

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