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Man of Respect

Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by Man of Respect

  1. Have you experienced or witnessed bullying or harassment on LotC?

  2. Have you experienced or witnessed bullying or harassment on LotC?

  3. Listing other peoples mistakes to make yourself look better is a shitty way to appeal a ban

  4. How is man supposed to get dragonscales?

  5. Anyone interested in buying a power III (3) book?

  6. mfw i farm more rep off comments than threads :^)

  7. When I write a command like /looc, the third word is 0 if it's ss

    like /looc I I Imibee I

    it's  /looc ss ss 0 ss

  8. When I write a command like /looc, the third word is 0 if it's ss

    like /looc I I Imibee I

    it's  /looc ss ss 0 ss

  9. When I write a command like /looc, the third word is 0 if it's ss

    like /looc I I Imibee I

    it's  /looc ss ss 0 ss

  10. Free me boi l0rdt0mas he dindu nuffin'!

  11. 1.9 PvP is legit cancer. It's either that, or the fact that 99% of servers give you overpowered, over-enchanted kits that are just plain ridiculous. 

  12. When LOTC starts making you edgy in the real world. 

  13. oh i wish i was in the land of...

  14. wtf dont rep him vvv

  15. I can code faster than Telanir.

  16. I can code faster than Telanir.

  17. Things that enrage the LOTC Community:

    -Cool down chat-timers


  18. Immigrate your account to Mojang. Now.

  19. If you're good at chemistry, you'll get all the ladies. I promise. Truss mi daddi.


    (Atleast you'll get me.)


  20. #2 way to keep ur pixel wife from cucking you: include her in rp you scumbag

  21. #2 way to keep ur pixel wife from cucking you: include her in rp you scumbag

  22. 54 Dollars in Chinese food.

  23. apparently it

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