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Everything posted by Lima

  1. Its up! RIP THALES!

  2. I am just going to make the point that two leaders on both sides of their civil war are actively voting yes. The reality is the snelves think they are dead, they just want both sides to end and make their nation a foot note it seems. I think a peaceful departure could be done for them, a couple events whipping them out if they really wished.
  3. http://imgur.com/daPo9qV Dog had puppies :33
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nekkore


      As much as the puppies are kawaii. I'm more afraid of the mother... O_O

    3. Lima


      Kalameet what can I say, she needs a full healthy dog diet of innocent animals.

      Its no different to me eating babies, riiight?

    4. Moot


      W-what!? Ohhhhnoooooo

  4. Could a FM message me when they see this? I need help with making a post but can't get the spoilers to work as intended.

  5. Very strange my thread got deleted. Anways, I really can't be the only one who thinks the map being called 'Thales' sounds just like 'Fails'?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Birdwhisperer
    3. Altan Carlier

      Altan Carlier

      It's more like 'Theylees" If you wanted to get the Greek pronunciation right.

    4. Rhia


      It wasn't the OP that got the thread trashed, it was that all the replies are complaints about delays.

  6. Very strange my thread got deleted. Anways, I really can't be the only one who thinks the map being called 'Thales' sounds just like 'Fails'?

  7. Whats was Kowaman to me... some ask... He was a clan father, in Roleplay of course. But honestly, he was a friend. It really makes me sad to hear of his departure, I enjoyed RP with you man, I enjoyed laughing with you. I really did. RIP.

    1. Bobby123
    2. Greener


      He was a true Dwarf

    3. Sefardi


      *Snif snif* Poor kowaman. He was a true dorf in the inside.

  8. Dwarven Propaganda office. Best office.

  9. Seven hundredth and fourty eighth throwing knife, was thrown into a full armoured dwarf. I then smashed him with a warhammer~

    1. Thatpyrodude
    2. osumanduas


      *****-Fit'- Negras has spoken.

    3. Lima


      I will never not have to deal with edgies... its terrible.

  10. Just had a 747th throwing knife thrown at me, good to see some things will never change XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      That's awesome.

    3. Lima


      I was a malinor guard, I kept count. I came back on the weekend from 5 month break. And yes, 747th one.

    4. Mephistophelian


      I am gonna keep count of something too. I like the idea :D

  11. I was thinking this. The taint fire and taint bolts were given cease and desist orders, and now their back.
  12. I have a few questions, if I may? 1. Is taint bolt, as a spell, able to be blocked with armour or a shield? 2. With taint imbuned into all forms of magic, would they be affected by gold? 3. Will taint fire act in a manner to normal fire, where say if you tried to stamp out a small amount of it, it would not burn you due to minimal exposure? 4. Will taint fire be able to burn on non-living objects? 5. Will taint fire, being inefficient, not be able to burn more than a single tree? As the concept of a entire forest corrupted from a small amount of taint fire would just make it super fast necro corruption, that spreads, and actively forces and removes people trying to combat it. [Edit] 6. All changes through taint to the other magics from this seem to be improvements. The poison gas air evocation, the now additional ability to inflict telekenetic grip onto a living object as implied and additional fatigue damage in all actions. 7. Taint seed and curses all seem a bit... well, force RP'ed. The issue being that you make them affect their roleplay for a sustained period, and if they do not consent they become 'That guy', if you see what I mean? Most afflictions can be 'monked off' or otherwise, and as such. You can also just curse entire blood lines and such, pretty much.
  13. MC Name: Aegis_Lima RP Name: Captain Elrolas Race: Elf Age: 68 Gender: Male Skills/Talents: Archery be a specialty, can pick locks, and can if allowed use the Lumi'drim documents on all known scourge and cultist members.
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