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Reckless Banzai Screamer

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Status Updates posted by Reckless Banzai Screamer

  1. 79f6a1aecdc80dd6cd53f313bb3f6b6b.png


    caught these hands today don’t be afraid to speak up xddd

  2. dont come out the house cuz nordengrad on fire



  3. Deregulate staff bureaucracy to allow for further efficiency - makes it easier on both staff and players - makes minecraft roleplay more enjoyable!

  4. If your property in the Carolustadt capital was roll backed, feel free to message me and we can get you readded to perms and houses. We have everyone's purchases logged.

  5. we shall revitalize the empire's economy and overcome this hardship together my brothers and sisters, from the capital to our peoples in the freebuild ?

  6. More bureaucracy, more problems. Tackle trolls and toxicity on the server that interrupts RP instead of the pvp.

  7. idk who could play Caius II better than Caius I. Shoot some commies for me my son

  8. [!] אלטר kisses his son, little צבי, on the forehead and embraces him tightly. The father and son wept tears of joy hearing the proclamation of a new Empire for humanity.




  9. I’d be a great admin I know how to win.

  10. I'm in the hood where *****s don't bother me -.- !

  11. This is an embarrassing post to have highlighted for new players to see tbh. I'd post but I don't want to hit 1k posts give me more rep please slurp slurp


    1. Inferno_Ougi
    2. lawnmowerman



  12. What is 'September' irp?



  13. my old gm app still stands i wont repost it take me now in my full glory or miss out!!!

  14. My experience on lotc the last few days has been -3 >:c

    1. 1784


      Ya bro ik everyone's been sad since Pond quit :steamsad:

  15. Hello World Developer may I get ur assistance? 



    1. Hobolympic


      Add me on discord: hobolympic#9158

    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      nevermind i got transferred back to GMs and now to Administration thank you anyway

  16. **HELP** If you are friendos with World Dev tell them I need their help please.dc17cd79227dd08f9cef9830d6034ce6.png


  17. I would like to, again, nominate myself for administration. I got the stuff.

  18. bye bye bye bye : ( 

    1. Raomir


      It’s been real.




  19. I don't think I can call myself reformed gamer anymore *sadface.*

    1. seannie


      shut it loser 

    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      say it to my face chico sean ill smack you with the chanclas

      lil bch smh

  20. I'm coming after your job.

  21. You my daughter if you don't act right on LOTC I reserve the right to beat you like a step child.

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