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Status Updates posted by StellarDweller

  1. I admit it, I'm a genderbender :D

  2. I feel like I have no friend irl, all they do is backstab you, I cant cope with it :( I don't feel like talking to anyone at my new school and my old school hates me they spreading gossip about me they are totaly disgusting...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ark


      I'm sorry, I hope it gets better :c

    3. calculusdesola


      Be an alpha, high school is dumb. Make sure you give it your all and conquer your way to greatness. Ace every test, get your homework in, become swole, then laugh when you're better than the people who gave you problems. Godspeed.

    4. StellarDweller


      Thanks guys, Thanks for being honest and truthful and I'm glad that there is light at the end of the tunnel, Its good to meet great people out there like you.. :)

  3. I feel like I should leave the server, people attack for no reason, I hate fighting rp.

    1. Rassidic


      If you dislike the server , distance yourself from it. It'll help when you decide to fully leave it.

  4. I got a puppy!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Parkins


      I love puppies.

    3. Koger


      Congratulations, make sure the little pup doesn't teeth your cloth! :3

    4. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Aww~ Have fun with that lil' buddy bud.

  5. I hate myself I hate everything around me

  6. I hate myself, I am a poor excuse for a human being

  7. I hate myself

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StellarDweller


      I just feel like I want to leave the server, I'm just an emotional wreck atm

    3. J


      Everyone goes through stuff. There's not a person who can view this and say they haven't.

      Take a break or leave if need be,

      IRL > RP.

      But we'll always be here!

    4. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      The first part to enter the dark side.

  8. I have an exam in half an hour and then another exam at 1 I hope i remember my work

  9. I have now lost respect for orem since they metagamed my friends status

  10. I have now lost respect for oren since they meta gamed my friends status , they were so pathetic to do something liek that, they were only looking for excuses to kill him

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser
    3. monkeypoacher


      how do we oren if our eyes are not real

    4. excited


      oren is obviously evil lets make angry status status date up!!!111

  11. I have recently seem to be going the high Elf route because I see rp is better there then anyother place on lotc, It is only my opinion :( sorry if any of you guys dissapprove

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StellarDweller


      It is so much fun #TeaTime!

    3. Sporadic


      High Elves cater to a specific type of RPer, although you have to be willing to accept a lot of IC restrictions

    4. Heff


      join the halflings, we drink tea and ale and are isolated. But we dont genocide

  12. I just donated bedrock, can somebody please change my forum donation rank

  13. I just donated my 2nd gold , can an admin update my mc and forum statuses

  14. I just keep on getting in trouble by these teachers, I'm sick of their ****, to be honest everything I do is wrong..

    1. monkeypoacher


      they're teachers

      they teach

      that is what they do

      You don't need to take their judgement to heart. They're sour people, old and weary at heart, and thrive off of inconveniencing people.

    2. monkeypoacher


      y'know they call 'em elders, but you never see 'em eld

  15. I keep losing connection when I try to log into lotc

    1. Judas



  16. I keep on loosing connection, What can I do to fix it..?

  17. I keep on suffocating within the floor its so frustrating

  18. I keep on timing out, Why?

  19. I keep on timing out?

  20. I need a home..

    1. Samsan99


      Come and check out alras!

  21. I need somebody who is willing to do some art :)

  22. I need somebody who is willing to do some art :)

    1. KarmaDelta


      Go to Keeeeeeeeeeeeem, she can do nudes if you need.

    2. StellarDweller
  23. I think i stuffed up my Minecraft for 1.8 I would have to use an updated version :( no more forge, Mpm or Optifine until Forge 1.8.3 comes out

    1. Space


      Optifine works for 1.8.1, just install it without forge.

  24. I was thinking of making a skin comp, but i'm not sure about the prize, I want to ask you is six thousand minas enough?

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