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Status Replies posted by AlmondTree

  1. Added a few more signs to show people a bit better how to get to the Orc lands.

  2. Menarra vs TDFootball, is everyone hyped for cyberbowl?

  3. everyone should play a peasant, at least once best type of rp tbh

  4. http://gyazo.com/b4fe3706fac78808d9e7e5d4493ca721 My name change history is pretty damn cancerous.
  5. http://gyazo.com/b4fe3706fac78808d9e7e5d4493ca721 My name change history is pretty damn cancerous.
  6. http://gyazo.com/b4fe3706fac78808d9e7e5d4493ca721 My name change history is pretty damn cancerous.
  7. http://gyazo.com/b4fe3706fac78808d9e7e5d4493ca721 My name change history is pretty damn cancerous.
  8. if you have a shitty anime profile picture or something l-l-lewd, change it. it makes my life harder to view the forums in public places.

  9. Naw, mate. Naw.

  10. http://fallout.bethsoft.com/ Please standby for fallout four.
  11. Any shaders mod that works with 1.8.3?

  12. Any shaders mod that works with 1.8.3?

  13. Somebody buy mattchuko Witcher 3 on steam please, he is a good boy with many family values and needs games to fill his life with...

  14. d-does anyone want to buy me rust. i feel like im missing out on something...........

  15. Most attractive celebrity?

  16. I really like when servers totally and completely barred you from professions you didn't choose. The Economy was real, and everyone had a job.

  17. Prolly going to start playing an Ork, any guides on learning Blah/ people who could help me with it?

  18. Is it weird that it's 4pm, I haven't eaten since last night and I'm not hungry?

  19. Can't seem to find an arab female skin

  20. The Caliphate looks like a cool nation, though the use of direct Islamic and Arabic terms and culture seeme offputting. Could their God be something other than Allah, for the sake of the server 4th wall?

  21. Wow, my last status update was in January... well, Hi!

  22. Any darkies, please set your field of view to quake pro, activate speed, run forward while looking at your feet.

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