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Status Replies posted by AlmondTree

  1. Where is everyone?


  2. Looking for nomadic roleplay? Look no further to the Al'Wari! :)

  3. Are Orcs still dead af?

  4. Anyone still around who played a Gorkil during the golden age of the Orcs back in Aegis/early Asulon?

  5. fix the god damned server you have the money so just switch providers jesus christ

  6. I'll be honest - this whole event just feels like an excuse for clerics/paladins/druids/magic users to be even more special snowflake than they already are...

  7. I'll be honest - this whole event just feels like an excuse for clerics/paladins/druids/magic users to be even more special snowflake than they already are...

  8. I'll be honest - this whole event just feels like an excuse for clerics/paladins/druids/magic users to be even more special snowflake than they already are...

  9. Just a reminder that this exists, Could you ask another GM to answer it please as you seem to have no intention in doing so. Thanks.

  10. 72 hours. This is great

  11. the forum moderator app section has only had two apps for like a week now. i feel now more than ever you should put yourself forward

  12. Does no one RP anymore? It's like all the cities are empty and there's no military RP or even talking at all.

  13. RP is really hard to come by this days


  14. Been Studying the site for a while when wanting to be accepted, and i want to find a more solid source of  The Blah. I have found words here and there, as well as the Wiki's help of phrases of basic saying of Lat (You) and Kub (Child). Does anyone know a page, or place that holds a bigger pool of this? Thanks in advance!

  15. That's it BR up on Kalamoot for combat logging gimme 5 minutes ok

  16. bloody hell accept the new trial gms already i just wanna see who

  17. Happyshackle's does it - gets destroyed. Cosmic does it - gets many, many +1's.

  18. Happyshackle's does it - gets destroyed. Cosmic does it - gets many, many +1's.

  19. How can a "man" who plays Witcher III on such a difficulty still be on the staff: https://gyazo.com/8a9a5e9c789c336d7f578aa5ef8394ee

  20. remember when lotsa ppl thought caliphate was gonna be fotm? look at em now. good for you, caliphate.


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