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Status Updates posted by wolfdwg

  1. gf, shame u had to 4fit :

  2. TY tech for fixing crafting glitch

  3. [*] Orc Buff

  4. Died to friendly Napalm :(

  5. When you attempt to regen, get spammed by lightning by GM

  6. Would raids be allowed due to this break in the war?

    1. Birdnerdy


      I should hope so.

    2. Bogrin


      It says "any war-related activities", which seems to include raids, but I am not a mod.

    3. Kaelan


      I would assume nation endorsed raids would be disallowed, but impromptu raids would still be allowed.

  7. Remove Npcs....

    1. mitto


      remove yourself

    2. Bogrin


      Why remove NPCs? Sometimes it is reasonable to have someone there when its not really feasible to have real people doing it

  8. Why is it so laggy....?

  9. I had fun.

    1. Skippy


      it was p hype when oren's siege equipment was all destroyed but then the lag struck....

  10. gg dorfs, atleast there was no lag

    1. Z3r05t4r


      Surprisingly, what was done for that?

    2. Alakabam


      For one there weren't a lot of people. Secondly it still lagged horribly.

  11. I've lost faith in GM staff, http://puu.sh/kU4IK/e9944e16b1.jpg

    1. Leric


      Sorta funny you're calling him bias.

    2. WuHanXianShi14


      combustionary doesn't play any character associated with oren, if you're gonna bait on the forums at least make it relevant, eh?

  12. screw lagre dogs, twisting my hip to chase one down... gimmie a cat instead

  13. Right wht to play now....

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