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Status Replies posted by Tirenas

  1. Hrm... debating making my first human character. Any advice from anyone? Never even touched human lore before.

  2. The coal miners union is the most toxic and cancerous comunity of lotc.

  3. Okay, so the server keeps disconnecting me the second after I log in. Anyone else having this problem? I had no mods/texture packs and I already tried reinstalling.

  4. Do not be like those, who forgot Malin and Malin made them forget themselves.

  5. Updated the teacher's list again.

  6. the duchy of duck is accepting vassal applications (VAs!~)

  7. the duchy of duck is accepting vassal applications (VAs!~)

  8. [09/04/2014 02:27:39] Liam\Vulc: alpha mode engaged

  9. New rule added to villainy: No villainous acts may be preformed inside of the mine worlds. This includes banditing, murder, theft, and so forth

  10. Wait, so who actually won today?

  11. still can't wait for the at apps blowout

  12. I've reached "Gold Miner" status!

  13. Anyone else call Georgia State?

  14. After a fout hour delay and an eleven hour flight, i am finally back home.

  15. Nathan, you have nine warning points. You're playing a dangerous game here.

  16. Three GM apps within an hour? Illuminati

  17. I seriously cannot stop laughing.

  18. That awkward moment when the humans nearly attacked the wrong elves XD

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