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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by VL

  1. Asked for more VIP perks in recent surveys. Got the lock-picking Update.

  2. Democracy 3 is wonderful.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. craotor


      It doesnt know how capitalism works so not really.

    3. VL


      Well I like the game so I don't care?

    4. IrishPerson
  3. I do not understand why we constantly mention the magic plugin. It's been widely discussed since my arrival in Thales (and I assume before that), but it just seems like it won't happen! No point in false hope, friend-o.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ragadorus


      Because it's a meme.

    3. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      Going on four years since promise of magic plugin

    4. Space


      it's probably gonna be lame af if it is ever implemented

  4. RIP Kalenz Uradir

    1. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      "I'm gon' melt an impure one, but first, lemme take a selfportrait."

    2. VL


      I am going to melt the selfie taker.

  5. Mali'aheral superiority in progress... Our new Institute is top-charted :)

  6. Bye to my first character... PK in the name of supposed conspiracy!

    1. Jonificus


      Respect for PKing, dude. Was fun RP, hope you had fun as well!

    2. VL


      Yes I did. Actually, all of this was an accident. So weird that it turned into a whole conspiracy.

    1. Space


      wat. acid isn't something you discover. acid is in the natural world, wtf.

    2. Endovelicus


      You can fabricate more potent acids tho.

  7. I don't think you're ready for this jelly.

  8. Surprised at how many people know of the Komnenos Dynasty.

    1. yopplwasupxxx


      most people who've had a high school world history class should atleast have heard of the Komnenoi Dynasty

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