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Status Updates posted by VL

  1. A greatly successful mass at Riga! Thank you to all who attended. 

  2. Remember when we thought Vailor was a temporary map?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. jamesb


      Everyone's whining, but I don't mind Vailor. Or the server.

    3. Nug


      i like vailor and i think the server's kinda okay but people who say that the server is going down hill are generally people who think the staff is an evil cult out to ban all their friends ://

    4. VL


      Never said Vailor wasn't to be liked. Simply a lot of us were under the impression that it was a temporary map. It's been so long. 

  3. Why is everyone a Sith on the forums? Do I need to start a Jedi Order up in here?

    1. ShameJax


      Meso mad if you doooooo!

    2. Mizu/Uzim
    3. Endovelicus


      No join the dark side!

  4. So many people asked my why I named my treaty after Istria, a place in Vailor... You guys do realize that treaties are named after the places they are signed in, yes?

    1. Birdnerdy
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Should have been treaty of Iat.

    3. MysticalStranger


      But Iat is too much of a pleb.

  5. More shops and More VIP plots for VIPs! $50 ain't cheap, yo.

  6. Who are you IC, friendo? I appreciate your philosophies.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samler


      This is simply an account made to stay anonym. *shrugs*

    3. Catostrophy


      Space, you aren't, and never have been, in any capacity, funny.

      I'm nobody, VL. Don't worry about it.

    4. Space
  7. When humans are taller than High Elves...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Catostrophy


      To be fair, that's kind of titchy for a high elf, VL. And there can always be genetic outliers in different races. I don't think I ever minded when wood elves or dark elves were taller than my character. Just inform them IC of their increased likelihood of arthritis. 

    3. Samler


      Tho Ikur is 5'8


    4. VL


      That's minimum height for High Elves, Samler. And I'm pretty sure maximum for humans is 6 foot.

  8. Is someone ever going to look at this... It is rather significant. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/134510-forum-bug-cannot-edit-posts/

  9. I hate the Spongebob

    profile gif. So overused!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. H
    3. VL


      The joke doesn't matter. The repetition is annoying even though I love Mr. Squarepants.

    4. Cave_Creature


      I think the default should just be a blank face like the facebook 'pictureless' profile pic

  10. Old forums



    Wanna gain glory? Fight in the gladiator battle on the 12th.

  12. Bring glory to

    your people!

    1. MrSyth


      Timezones VL, Timezones!

  13. The only good thing about these forums is you know who liked your posts. 

    1. MetaSolaray


      I don't see anywhere for catering :( What's an event without good food!

    2. VL


      We will have shops that sell snowballs as throwing tomatoes

  14. Third time's a charm... Hopefully.

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