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Status Replies posted by TarreBear

  1. Community currently has 3 positions open and will be conducting interviews shortly. Looking for more ppl interested in wiki focus and media. Apply if you are interested! 

    1. TarreBear


      @BipolarMk2As it states in the status update, community

      @Harrison More so video creation/art, still working out some stuff with the twitter and facebook currently.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Thanks everyone who partook in the auction! I certainly had fun watching the final 30 second cat fight.


    Winners are as follows (I will contact you)


    GENERIC NOBLE: Blanch – 6100

    BABY BLUE: Language – 2200

    PURPLE GOWN: Rayna – 1600

    RUSSIAN RED: Tarren – 4000

    ROYAL BLUE: Tarren – 3500

    RED FUR: Flawy – 2200

    GOLD, BLACK & RED: Benelux – 1900

    FEATHERED HAT: Hyperion – 3200

    ALEX STYLE ARMOUR: Flamb – 2000

    PLATE ARMOUR: Kanadensare – 1300

  3. @TarreBear not trying to tell u how to do ur job or anything but community meetings need to exist again.

    1. TarreBear


      Been planning one. Just I want to be there for it and new job has been making that difficult. Plan on having one next week though regardless of if I can make it or not. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Tailor’s Guild wya?


  5. I have been an active member of this server for almost 4 years. I have agreed with mutilpe changes and disagreed with many as well. However I have enjoyed that this server represented more races than other servers would. I know that there has been 2 posts related to this but both were closed before i could put my input, since i work a full time job. 

    Now to this idiotic decision that was made without consulting both the playerbase and lore team. Well done staff you have offically **** up. you think that just because Snow Elves orignally were from the High Elven area and now have their own culture and different appearences that they are just culture race? Are you ******* nuts. If you want to remove an effective subrace that has not only brought new players to LOTC but also reinvigorated others that have been here so be it. But if thats the case remove all the Sub-races then. Snow Elves have been a completely seperate identity for 5 plus years and to be honest it is more popular than other elven subraces. 

    That is my opinion, but like the other posts have said. If you want Dark Elfs declaring themselves snow elfs by their bio on the race card thats fucked up but what do i know. Im just a player of the server for more than 3 years



    Adding on to this as well. Since when do Devs decide what to do without consulting the public about it? Isnt the community supposed to be happy with every change they do/ be understanding of it????? I mean seriously. LOTC is supposed to be about community and after axing all the subraces for no apparent reason as to do some more changes and not even consulting the community about it and just doing it... When the hell did all that get discussed  with the community. Like seriously when????

    1. TarreBear


      Please read the last comment please ?


  6. Community Team is looking for new members. Make an app today! More info on the team can be found here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/179092-community-staff-information-policies/


    1. TarreBear


      Read the post. Team generally focused on community feedback, interaction and advocating for change. In addition, be a bigger presence in-game when it comes to helping new players properly get off to a good start when joining the server and more. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. 539139143041548349.png?v=1 how do i join community team 539139143041548349.png?v=1

    1. TarreBear


      Make a staff app and state you prefer community team and you shall be interviewed 

  8. Not LotC news but: I am now engaged to my boyfriend! Have a wonderful Christmast, everyone, and a happy new year!

    1. TarreBear


      Aweh congratulations! I hope you both have a merry Christmas ?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. gj tarren, you went from Jack’s building slave to Admin.

  10. Looking for new GMs. Put your apps up 

    1. TarreBear


      @Temp uh you get some fly nd warping c; some persona slots!



    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Anyone miss Nexus?

    1. TarreBear


      It was discussed in the community meeting that you need to make a post or something giving feedback as to what specific parts of nexus you liked. Ex. custom food crafting etc. because saying nexus doesn’t help cause nexus encompassed a lot of things

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. GMs and people on this server still continue to disgust me



  14. anyone want to join a musical group in LotC? we will be playing actual noteblocks. heres an example. one person playing a melody and someone new playing a simple melody on repeat. https://youtu.be/ngeoco7Owvg

    1. TarreBear


      Yeerp. Played violin for 6 byears, did choir all the way from 3rd grade till I graduated, marching band for 6 yearrrs

      Edited by TarreBearx3
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. anyone want to join a musical group in LotC? we will be playing actual noteblocks. heres an example. one person playing a melody and someone new playing a simple melody on repeat. https://youtu.be/ngeoco7Owvg

  16. Can I please be able to breed at least one of /each/ animal per restart?

  17. When you try to build but the server rolls back all your progress.... 

  18. is it just me or is the server down for anyone else? i keep getting a message once i dc from the server.... a4fe732ddb0fcd5b21faca3ba58206d4.png

  19. is it just me or is the server down for anyone else? i keep getting a message once i dc from the server.... a4fe732ddb0fcd5b21faca3ba58206d4.png

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