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Status Updates posted by Amayonnaise

  1. Why don't we have rules on banditry lmao??

    Are they on some random post somewhere? I remember Soulbinds used to count IRP - no one could take a soulbound item. Do Soulbinds even relate to RP anymore? Is it the same rules as stealing from locked chests, with rounded-down stacks etc?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. satinkira


      When a party emotes to pursue combat, parties must decide whether it will be resolved through CRP or PVP. Once a decision is made, it cannot be reversed unless both sides agree. If neither side agrees, it defaults to CRP.

      If the conflict includes eight or more people, the defenders may vote by majority to switch to PvP. Afterwards, it requires the consent of all groups involved.

      Guards are defenders when in their own land.

      The decision to mechanically flee should be decided when any party begins an emote with the intent to pursue combat.

      After being stopped with a sufficient halting emote, involved parties must adhere to the movement rules. If the party halted chooses to continue to run, they will be teleported back by a moderator.

      A sufficient halting emote must be said in #rp, and contain a descriptive halting action such as “He moves to block her path, a hand held towards their weapon”, or both dialogue and said action. 

      The victor of the combat scenario allows the losing party to either soulstone or /d20. Using either prematurely or in bad-faith can result in a perma-kill the losing party’s characters.


      Once any party begins an emote with the intent to pursue combat, the use of mechanics (blocks, LWC, lava, waterbuckets, flint & steel, MyPet, etc.) is disallowed.

      However, involved parties can:

      Emote the usage of Craftbook and LWC mechanisms (doors, gates, bridges, lifts, etc.) in CRP.

      Freely use Craftbook and LWC mechanisms in PvP.

      Stalling or intentionally holding off conflict through OOC means is disallowed. 

      Use of soul stones in order to travel during or leading up to conflict is disallowed.

      Malirally bells can only be used after three uninterrupted preparation emotes.


      Combat Roleplay (CRP) is a chat-based battle between characters. It relies on your fairness and honor to wage fun and realistic combat. Players exchange emotes while following the Roleplay Standards: avoiding powergaming, being considerate, and accepting defeat gracefully. If an action relies on random chance, players have the option of using our /roll plugin to guide their decisions.


      1 block = 1 meter


      Combat is considered “locked” 15 minutes after the initial emote with the intent to pursue combat, preventing others from joining unless both sides agree.

      Once combat is locked, players involved in the fight will be “invisible” to everyone who is not in the combat.

      Once combat has ended players are freely allowed to leave unrestricted by anyone outside of the initial combat. 

      You may move four blocks per emote, or eight blocks per emote whilst mounted, whenever performing an action relevant to combat. An example of an action is swinging a melee weapon, blocking a strike, aiming a ranged weapon, preparing to throw a projectile, or casting magic.

       You may move eight blocks per emote, or twelve blocks per emote whilst mounted, when your character is solely focused on sprinting and not being reasonably attacked.

      You must follow realistic standards for abstract scenarios such as when falling, walking or running with injuries, etc. You must account for these scenarios when referencing movement or other actions. 

      Furthermore, combat roleplay does not adhere to mechanical standards and instead follows common sense logic. 

      For example: your character can not pull a boat out of their pocket even if there is a boat in your minecraft inventory. 

      The exception being that special items used in combat like weaponry, potions, etc., must be in your mechanical inventory to be used in CRP.

      In order to join an ongoing combat scenario, you must make two emotes making your character’s presence known before being able to engage in the ongoing combat. Likewise, to leave combat you must emote three times unhindered, making your character's attempts to leave known.

      The two emotes before joining combat must be fully non-combative, i.e you are not able to draw any sort of weapon, connect to magic etc.

      Only one of two emotes needs to be emoted before combat locks, if combat locks after you have started you are free to continue emoting joining.

      Horses or other mounts cannot be summoned during combat by whistle. 



      Mechanics Combat/MRP (Alternative)


      If both parties in the battle wish to use their own agreed upon rule set they may do so. However, if any issues are to arise the combat will be immediately swapped to one of the existing systems.


      Mechanics Combat/MRP
      Mechanics-based combat roleplay (MRP) is also considered RP, however, it uses Minecraft combat to simulate the encounter. In the event that this combat is chosen, you must do the following:


      All involved players must choose an appropriate /status which must match for all players on the side that you are fighting for. 

      The use of storage containers during combat is disallowed. 

      Before initiating a /countdown, both sides must have clearly stated they are ready for MRP.

      Engaging in mechanics after MRP has been agreed upon (hitting, moving, dropping items, summoning horses) is prohibited. After the countdown ends, these restrictions are lifted.

      If you are completely disengaged from MRP for 10 minutes, you are free to leave.



      Capture Roleplay


      During mechanical combat, a player can be bound via the capture plugin after being downed.

      When capturing a common citizen, you must actively interact with them for the duration of the 2 hour holding limit.

      If MRP occurs involving the holding party, no interaction is necessary but the time continues.

      The captive may not escape mechanically in MRP if the capturers emoted binding, tying or knocking them out.

      Active interaction is defined as no more than 15 minutes between emotes with the prisoner.

      Captive players are expected to engage in high-quality RP with their captors in good faith.

      High ranking nation officials like monarchs, military commanders, and councilors may be held actively for up to 3 hours with RP.

      If a player has to log off at any point throughout the capture, the players involved must first agree on a conclusion or resume the RP once they are able to both be online. While this is in effect, the captured persona cannot be played. 

      The capture timer begins only when the captive arrives at the holding location, not as soon as they are apprehended.



      these are all the rules regarding combat, there are no bandit-specific rules I believe

    3. Amayonnaise


      @satinkira Yeah, and there are no rules on soulbinds, too. Soulbinds need to be added, at the very least.

    4. MissToni


      I could have sworn not being allowed to take soulbinds used to be in the rules before... Or did I just imagine it?

  2. Is there a Lore Criteria page for MArts? I'm looking through the different criteria / submissions etc, and I can't see anything specifically regarding it, aside from some vague and outdated post from Fitermon :/

    1. Amayonnaise


      **Bobbox and NLThomas have dm'd me, all is well!

  3. Mina Sketches!!

    I still have 3 slots left for some simple grayscale sketches I will be smashing out after the New Year - submit your request on my thread if you're keen ❤️


  4. Merry Christmas from Pally / Sun Circle Gang!





    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rukio


      shelf paladin, buff templar ra r a ra 

    3. DrakeHaze.


      thank you drfate merry christmas

    4. drfate786


      @DrakeHaze. What? Why am I being mentioned?

  5. CT - Stepping Down

    Hey guys! Just wanted to announce that I am stepping down from CT. I have thoroughly enjoyed serving the community and working alongside my fellow team members, but my recent move across the country has placed me back in the arms of loved ones and long-time friends, and I'm much more focused on my IRL adventures (I haven't logged onto the server in a few weeks now >->).

    I am lingering for a small while in the background just to ensure the team has all of my resources + help finish some current projects, but I wish them lots of love and luck! I may return in the future!

    Please know that you're still more than welcome to approach me with any concerns or issues, and I'm still more than willing to help you be heard in any way that I can (even without my position + pex qwq).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. squakhawk
    3. Samler


      Take flight, enjoy the freedom, the grass and the people around you. +1

    4. Adelemphii
  6. FIGURA MODELS - Battle of the Arts!


    Just in case you missed it, we've added a new category to the September BotA! I have always been absolutely mesmerised by the figura models I stumble upon on the server, and we wanted to support your creativity and passion following your comments on the last BotA post!


    Check it out now:


  7. Its Guide Time

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hunnic


      Greater Soulstone? I have seen it but don't know what it is... do you guy it by voting?


    3. Amayonnaise


      @HunnicYes! If you do /vote ms (I think the command is), it shows you your voting milestones.

    4. Hunnic


      Getting to this late... but thank you! Very useful info!


  8. I may need to rethink my cat's name.. 'Milk'

    1. Fie



  9. Map Art is BACK!

    All current submissions have been implemented and are awaiting collection! Ya gurl is on top of things ;)
    Only a few of us are currently able to process collections, so please be patient with us!

    Otherwise, feel free to submit more Map Art requests!



    Llir fixed the Map Art for us so I can finally go through the 3 page queue! I began messaging players individually to double check old requests from March onwards were still wanted, but there are 3 pages of requests.




    I will begin implementing Map Art starting from the oldest on  the 10th of August!

  11. spiral pasta is fun to eat texture wise. Maybe the tube pasta with its stripeyness. Spicy brain approves

  12. I fixed the Resource Island Guide with @MCVDK's help.


    You can now ctrl+f search the page for the exact block you're looking for. Have fun!

  13. If anyone knows how to center tables on the forums, please dm me.

    I'd prefer to replace the table images with actual tables so people can easily search for the block they are looking for on the resource island, but the tables kept sitting to the left >:(

  14. is the smp currency seashells? can it be?

  15. Underdark Beach Party location has changed a final time.


    -1050, -900, boverworld.


    We have drinks, that druid log hitting game, hanging bed things, VOLLEYBALL, and umbrella seats

  16. Underdark Beach Party today at 4.30PM EST to Late!


    If you'd like some hawaiian shirts to use for your character's outfit, check out a collection sourced by some Haelun'or players <3





  17. I can't even kill the enderdragon, whats the POINT

  18. Skin Auction ends in ~5 hours!

  19. Remember to check out my ongoing Skin Auction! Ends Friday 10.30am EST :)

  20. Welp, here we go again

  21. Looking for a 265+ Male Helf/Snelf to claim an unknown, lost daughter! DM if you'd like more details ^-^

    I've been playing her since late Atlas, she is a big voidal mage lady, and has spent time as a demon-creature (is mortal now). She is currently ~235

    She is currently trying to figure out her racial heritage, and is searching for a potential lost father.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fishy


      i will be your father
      *stops logging in.

      Edited by Fishy
    3. Amayonnaise
    4. Wyrvun


      not interested just very happi of the snelf/helf made my day.

  22. Please check out the new charity skin auction! All funds go towards supporting a puppy's chance at life.

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