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Posts posted by 2samspan

  1. Hello Lhindir. Major props for how much you've pushed LotC forward from all the time I've known you.


    What was the most scuffed group you were close enough to ever be fully aware of their scuffed-ness (or go to second most since you already mentioned what I guessed would be #1)?


    Or if you want something a little bit more positive: Who from all the characters you have made over the years do you think would win in a 12 round boxing match tournament (magic is allowed but only if it empowers your body. 1 construct max can fight for you)


    Keep being a king.

  2. Vagud’Gorkil looked up from the large stacks of parchment in front of him as he heard the news and let out a single, gruff laugh escaping his lips. “Rex Nazark’Gorkil...Mi’z bin wond’rin when mi’d finally hear doze wordz tugeddah.” He said softly. “Lat’z bin dere fur mi, bruddah, agh mi’z zure lat grukz mi’z gut mi zupport. Nub dat lat needz id.”

  3. 14 hours ago, TorkoalTom said:

    Just because I like to laugh about it; what is the history behind your ign?

    Alright, I guess this is going on record.


    My name is not actually Sam, despite what many people believe. The name comes from my first foray into online games with Club Penguin. At that time, I was really young and also really dumb. I wanted to name my account after my dog Sampson, but since I was legally braindead back then, I horribly misspelled it as Samspan. And the name has stuck ever since.

    12 hours ago, Heero said:

    I hope you're not mad at me for my (lack of) performance on the WT

    Nah you're cool man.

    9 hours ago, TJBMinecraft said:

    Which WT member did the most contributions when I was on the team with you?


    14 minutes ago, Dfopogo said:

    To sam or to span?


  4. 1 hour ago, _Jandy_ said:

    How would you fix Orc RP?


    What would you change about Clan Gorkil?


    What would you change about Vagud?


    Who is your favorite spirit?

    1. Attract people that are willing to take leadership positions like how, say, humans can. I think one of the biggest issues is there is not a big pool of leaders for us to choose from. All of the people that want to become leaders become humans, because there is so much more opportunity to gain power there. If you are a human, you can get your own little plot and become a baron or a duke if you play the political game there. Orcs, we don't really have that opportunity. Since we are so centralized and don't offer that same way to get power, along with the fact that we tend to not really get too involved in politics like you see in, say, Elven or human communities, we aren't as attractive to those players. 


    2. I'm not really sure, honestly.


    3. Make it so I didn't wimp out when I had the chance to fight Kulgarok.


    4. Gorkil, duh.


    25 minutes ago, Moonman said:

    why is the wiki team so inefficient tbh, the wiki is outdated 90% of the time and it takes a lot of asking and whinning to get things updated cmonbrug

    If you need to repeatedly ask people to get stuff done, that's a problem. I'm a bit of a hypocrite for saying that cause I know I've done that in the past, but we should not be doing that.


    However, I do not think we are super inefficient. The main reason, I think, that the Wiki feels so outdated and like the Wiki Team doesn't do anything is because a. of how big the Wiki is, and, due to how information on it is laid out, it can be hard to gauge when actual progress is being made, and b. the pool of people who need to maintain all of those pages is pretty small. As of right now, we have 40 people who have contributed to the Wiki in the past 30 days. It is near impossible for the Wiki Team and the other people who help out to maintain all of that. I will admit that sometimes we lag a little bit behind, and it's not like we are actually the hardest workers on the server. But I do firmly believe that the Wiki Team is not as awful as people say it is.


    If you would like to have something updated and people are dropping the ball, feel free to PM me on here or on Discord, though, and I'll work on fixing it up.

  5. 57 minutes ago, Licorish said:

    Wanna be friends?

    Absolutely. Though I hate licorice, so that might put a damper on things.

    28 minutes ago, ZachoSnacko said:

    What page on the wiki have you spent the most time on and why?


    That's a good question. Probably the the Shamanism page. At the time when I did that, I wasn't overly knowledgeable of the formatting, so it took me a while to format all of that lore and make it look good.

    I still need to revisit that page, cause it's still a bit lacking I feel.

    28 minutes ago, Legoboy7984 said:

    Sam is the man! Hard working person, and always been helping the team members when needed. Plus a good person to talk to when you just wanna talk. #BestTeamDirectorInLoTCHistory


    Ik, I don't have a question but YEAH!!!

    I hope you say these things about the next Directors, too.

    16 minutes ago, dsdevil said:

    Why did you resign?


    How much do I have to pay you to come back?

    I resigned for a few reasons. First, I am heading off to college in a couple of weeks. I did not want to risk letting the team fall into disrepair because I had to focus on my studies or flunking out because I had to focus on running the team. Second, I was starting to feel a bit burnt out, and I felt like the quality of my work was dropping. And, finally, I was Director for 8 months. I felt like it was time to let the team move on and give someone else a chance. I am a strong believer that people should not hold onto power for too long, and it should be rotated out once every few months in order to stop things from becoming a massive circlejerk.

    15 minutes ago, Aeldrin said:

    come back

    for you i will

  6. Hi guys, I've been on the Wiki Team for 11 months, and in a week I will be celebrating my one year reunion. 8 of those months were spent being Director, and now I have finally stepped down. Feel free to ask me anything, Wiki related or not, and I'll be happy to answer.


    I was also NL of the Orcs for, like, two weeks, but I don't like to think about that time.

  7. j1lCI7B.png


    Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the June Wiki Team update. After a small break from updates in June, we are back and ready to show all of the changes we have put in place.











    Starting this month, the Wiki Team will be starting a new system, with a placeholder name of Projects™ until someone comes up with a better name. Due to how incredibly lazy I am the Wiki Team never really doing projects in the same vein as other teams, we are testing out a new system where every Wiki Team member comes up with a project on the Wiki, which they will spend the month working on. This can range from expanding or creating pages surrounding a certain subject such as, say, High Elven society, to improving the layout of the Wiki. This system should give the community a more tangible sense of what has been done on the Wiki as people can point to these specific projects done by people, along with helping to focus our own members so that their efforts can be felt more. As of writing this, most Wiki Team members are still coming up with their projects, however I will divulge that I will be working on guides and codifying information for the Wiki (e.g. how do you know if a character deserves a Wiki page, how do I calculate casualties in battle, why did I get an angry PM from a WT member for starting a page with the word 'the'). 


    If you are interested in the project, feel free to read through this doc for a more extensive explanation.






    This month, we are also officially launching the Wiki Contributor's Discord, which has so kindly been set up for me by @Ragnio. This Discord is intended to be for all users of the Wiki, with the hope of encouraging more interaction between normal contributors and Wiki Team members. Contributors can more easily ask for help with a certain page, report bugs, or request the creation of an account for their buddy, and we can more easily get news out to, assist, and discuss pages with contributors without having to go through the hoops of PMing three different people to get their Discord. Click here for access to the Wiki Contributor's Discord, even if you do not currently have a Wiki account- this Discord provides a convenient and easy way for people to request accounts be made for them!



    Disclaimer: Data again is going to be a bit incomplete this update, as the method needed as of right now to calculate how many edits were made on the Wiki is extremely time consuming. Again, you get pretty graphs for the months of May and June


    Page Data-





    May continued the decrease in the creation of Wiki pages as we saw in April, with a staggering 36.4% decrease in the number of total pages, and an overall decrease in the Wiki's activity (not pictured). This is mainly due to exams and the end of the school year, and how it was so nice out nobody wanted to contribute to a Minecraft roleplay server's Wiki, but I was not particularly pleased when I saw that number. Of the 14 pages created, 3 of them (21.4%) were created by Wiki Team members, and 6 of the 14 (42.9%) are insubstantial and require expanding. 


    Thankfully, things improved in June by a decent amount, surpassing April and almost surpassing March in terms of pages created, with the number of pages created increasing by 85.7%, nearly double. And of the 26 pages created, 9 of them (34.6%) were done by Wiki Team members and 7 (26.9%) are insubstantial and will require expanding.



    This total is an overall decrease of 7.1% from March's total of 28. However, compared to January, where we had 25 pages made, this is a very minor increase of 4%.





    Accounts Created-





    In May, continuing on with the trend we saw the number of pages created, there was a decline in April that sharpened in March, dropping from the April total of 9 by 44.4%, nearly half. But, same as the number of pages created, it had a sharp increase once the school year was over, increasing by 160%, more than double that in May, and the most accounts we have created in a single month this year. Unfortunately, though, only 6 out of the 13 accounts (46.1%) created in June are active, and 4 out of the 5 accounts (80%) from May are active.


    This is definitely a marked improvement for this update, statistically, as this means there are more people who, assuming they remember their accounts exist the day after requesting it, can contribute to the Wiki and work towards improving it, even if they do not immediately do so.



    Now it is 3 AM on the Fourth of July, so I am not going to try to put a funny comment down here, except that I need to learn to prep these at least somewhat beforehand. You should know, however, that the Wiki Team has partnered up with Subway, so all Wiki Team members get a free 6 inch sandwich and a drink at participating stores.


    Catch you on the flip side,



  8. j1lCI7B.png


    Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the April Wiki Team update. It's been a bit of a slow month due to finals, but we still have plenty to talk about. Let's get onto the update!






    This month has been extremely static for the Wiki Team: no additions, no removals. For this month, I wanted to hold off on any removals and instead focus on the talent that we currently have. Due to finals wrecking most of us, this was not a month that I felt could be used as reason towards removal. Though thankfully, there were no resignations this month either. Due to this, and the fact that we were at a good number, I did not feel it was necessary to bring anyone else on for the time being. 





    We have started the process of updating the main page for the Wiki! While many of the changes I mentioned last week (i.e. featured pages, added indeces) have not been added yet, there were still some major additions made to the page. We now have a brand new map (courtesy of @Papa Liam) showing the locations of the various nations and cities of Atlas. We have also added the ability to click on the majority of the nations, however there are a few that do not have pages just yet. We also made a slight change to one of the symbols on main page with the help of @TorkoalTom.


    Our other updates for the main page will hopefully be rolling out this month.






    Disclaimer: Data again is going to be a bit incomplete this update, as the method needed as of right now to calculate how many edits were made on the Wiki is extremely time consuming. So, instead, you get pretty graphs and a bit of reflection on where we are now for where we were in January.


    Page Data-



    In April, we had a surprisingly small number of pages created, as you can see in this graph, with a total of 22 pages. Of the 22 pages created, 13 of them, or 59%, were made by Wiki Team members.  


    This total is an overall decrease of 21.4% from March's total of 28, and if we were to compare it to the beginning of the year, it is a 12% decrease. However, many of these pages are of fairly high quality and not just the oh so dreaded blank and forgotten page. Still, I believe this is a number that could stand to increase by next month.


    Accounts Created-



    In April, we had another small number of accounts created, with 9 accounts being created. This is an overall small decrease (10%, but with such a small amount the percentages are not a very reliable marker) from March, but if we were to compare it to the number of accounts created in January, it would be a fairly sharp decrease of 47%. This, again, is a number that I aim to bring up this month.





    The Wiki is a great place for a lot of things: practicing expository writing, getting the chance to help players get accepted onto the server before they even send their apps in, or help your community grow and become more well known. But something that a lot of people don't realize is it can also be a great introduction to coding, as a lot of the formatting you see on pages uses basic CSS and HTML, but there are also parts using PHP and Javascript. If you have any questions or would like to get started, feel free to message me or any other Wiki Team member in-game, on the forums, Discord, wherever- and we'll help you get set up!



  9. 7OwdWw9.png


    Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another edition of the Wiki Team Update Log, after a short break last month (and a fair bit of this one). But you're not here for excuses, so without further ado, let's get onto the update!






    Additions to the Team



    Departures from the Team



    There's been a lot of changes to the team over the past month, as you can see, with the total turnover of the Wiki Team (i.e. the sum of the additions and departures) of 13 - not a number I am particularly proud of, but I am hoping that the next few months will feature fewer changes. The next few rounds for Wiki Team applications (which is usually at the end of the month) will be much stricter going forward.





    With the departure of Fid from the team, came an open manager spot. So, I'd like to congratulate the long time Wiki Team member @Aelsioln on becoming our newest manager. As a long time member of the Wiki Team, she has more than earned it and I am sure she will do a great job.





    Boy oh boy, I get to bring up the same thing I've brought up in every other Wiki Team update: the Lore Transfer Project. However, I wish I could say it was good news. While we have gotten several pages done over the past few months (all approved pages can be found here, if you are interested), the project is being put on hold so the Lore Team can put its focus onto other things. I'm hoping for the project to be resumed by May.


    In the mean time, though, the Wiki Team will also be working on updating the main page and the general layout of the Wiki. Be on the lookout for major changes by the end of this month that should make the Wiki feel a lot more accessible. This will include features such as added indices for Lore pages, featured Wiki pages, and potentially some other neat stuff that will require a good night's worth of studying so I can understand it.





    Disclaimer: The data for this update is going to be a little bit sparse, unfortunately, due to some technical issues that I have noticed that will hopefully be fixed by next month. Due to these issues, I will be omitting the number of active users and overall edits on the Wiki for this month.


    Page Data-

    In February, the Wiki had 38 pages created, which is a 35.7% increase over the number in January, which was 25. Then in March, 28 pages were created, meaning there was a 27.5% decrease from February. This is an interesting trend, because between December and March, the number of pages created has fluctuated back and forth, with one month hitting a lot higher, and the other hitting much lower.


    Accounts Created-

    In February, a total of 12 accounts were created for people by the Wiki Team, and 10 in March. These are both decreases from the amount created in January, which was a grand total of 17. Most of these accounts are currently inactive.





    If you would like a Wiki account to make pages for your friend's characters contribute in maintaining the Wiki, please feel free to send a message to me or any other WT member on Discord, the forums, or in-game. We are more than happy to help with getting to know how to use the Wiki and help us with making sure it can be as informative as possible!



  10. You know that God awful feeling when you get a ping on Discord

    And think 'oh, maybe someone needs me', or it could be they're just bored

    But then it turns out it's just @everyone?

    Yeah, that's about how I feel. 


    First of all, you call it a rap, but I think that's a misnomer.

    Your beats are so starved, they're more like the Holodomor.

    And you repeat the same lines over and over

    You need back and forth, some 'red rover, red rover.'


    Cernunnos, Cerridwen, blah blah blah.

    You ever count the shrines in you're forests written in Blah?

    You can try to brown nose, to represent your community

    And show some creativity

    But I think we all agree this was a missed opportunity. 


    You have such a lack of flow I'd call it white magic

    And just like Oren' s fall, it's really quite tragic:

    I mean, you tried to rhyme mortal and aheral.

    And that's when you know your rap is in peril.


    Well, I've spent more time writing this than I'd like to admit.

    And yeah, I'm sure this makes me a hypocrite

    But at least I didn't make a thread and share it with my friends.





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