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About Farryn

  • Rank
    Spreading Positive Mental Attitude Since 1998
  • Birthday 02/19/1998

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  • Discord
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  • Gender
  • Location
    England, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    http://elviranaromis.deviantart.com/ - My deviantart.
    Writing, drawing, mocha drinking, wooping butts.

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Elvira Naromis | Eithne Av'karin | Azariah
  • Character Race
    Ascended | High Elf | High Elf

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  1. So I am curious. Would anyone like a shop here on the forums where you can have someone design a suit of armour or clothing for your character from their own imagination, or from a very detailed description you give them? I'm going to do a shop based on this soon, as well as a skin shop! :>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thatpyrodude


      I'd definetly be interested in this.

    3. Nekkore


      plz don't charge too much... I am extremely poor ._.

    4. Farryn


      I won't. Knowing me, it would be this:
      50 minas for a piece of clothing/armour (like if you just wanted a coat or a chestplate designed.)
      100 minas for a skin design.

      150 minas for a full body concept design of the clothing/armour you requested.

      (If you want a skin design and a full body design, it would be 250 minas. Or if you want two full body designs, it would be 300 minas).


      I'm still in the planning stage right now but I will be including examples of my work as well. But I'm aiming to be cheap since I can draw and do skins rather fast but still keep enough detail to them. :) Also. I'm happy to do any designs for any races, including orcs. Lastly, I'm not that type who does female clothing like how much of the media portray fantasy-like clothing to be: I don't do very revealing or erotic clothing, but rather keep it realistic but with the fantasy aspect still in there.

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