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Everything posted by Knights5544

  1. Ser Gustaven von Halsfield, proud knight of Hyspia, happily claps his hands together to signify his appreciation for the poem, "I sure do wish I understood what it was saying!" the Hyspian knight would say aloud, scratching the side of his head in confusion.
  2. ((OOC: I've had quite a few people reach out to me recently inquiring as to whether or not the Resistance is defunct as a result of the Sedanite-Oren conflict ending. It's worth clarifying that while the Resistance was involved against Oren alongside the Goats of Sedan that doesn't inherently imply that we're following in the same footsteps as them, i.e., withdrawing from Oren. The Resistance itself is separate from the Goats of Sedan and we WILL be continuing our efforts against Oren. If you're interested in joining you're still free to do so.))
  3. A tear would trickle down from Ser Gustaven von Halsfield's eye, falling off of his face onto a piece of parchment he had been reading from which mentioned the recent passing of Caesar. By the time that Gustaven was finished reading the missive the paper would've been stained with tears. Regardless of the fact that Gustaven and Caesar may have butted heads on numerous occasions, Gustaven knew that Caesar was a "Damn good man - a man who truly knew right from wrong, always making sure to keep himself on the path of Good regardless of the circumstances involved. Our differences aside, Caesar lived as a Good man and resultingly - by happenstance - died as a Good man. May the memory of him live on in our hearts and souls for we need not forget about those like him .. the world is lacking in quantity of those of his caliber. Forgive me, Caesar, for spending more of my life despising you for childish reasons rather than respecting you. I hope that you can understand. Rest in peace, friend." After hearing of Caesar's passing, Gustaven would subsequently spend the remainder of the night much like he would every other night: directionless and lost, dazed and confused .. the alcohol and crippling drug abuse serving as a poor coping mechanism for a broken person. Little by little, those Gustaven would consider "acquaintances" within his life slowly became erased from existence. Seemingly every year somebody that Gustaven knew would pass away. Eventually, Gustaven will suffer the same fate as all of those around him, albeit sooner rather than later in his case, even he knew that. Rest in peace, Caesar, may your legend live on.
  4. Wow, I made it onto a LOTC-related video, am I famous now? Guess it's time for me to retire. If you want an autograph then please start lining up in an orderly fashion!
  5. [[RP]] First Name: Gustaven Surname: von Halsfield Age: Too damn old, 32 Reason for Interest: GOON, GOON, GOON! [[OOC]] Username: Knights5544 Discord: Pharmaceutical Grade Chlymydia#1514
  6. ((My subhuman 3 IQ didn't realize the title said "gif/short video"))
  7. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “They hide their abuses under the guise of ‘constitutional monarchy’ - I ask them: what’s constitutional about oppression?” Gustaven von Halsfield, 1807 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Initially, Man - by nature - was created by the Creator to be alike with one another. It was the unjust exploitation and subsequent oppression by the arrogant men in Oren which led to our bondage of servitude, bogged down by the shackles of such. If the Creator would have had any bondmen from the start, He himself would have appointed who ought to be bonded, and who ought to be free - leaving no such right to the arrogance of man. Therefore, I urge for you to consider that the time has come - dictated as such by the Creator himself - in which you may, if you so desire, remove the shackles of restraint from your slaved spirit and help us recover the liberties which were once taken from us by those haughty, posh "men" of Providence. They oppress us out of sheer fear of us regaining the power that has been within us this entire time. For centuries, the common people have dealt with the humiliation and shame of being underneath such privileged aristocrats. How long must we suffer? How long should our children suffer, growing up so innocent and pure; not realizing that their futures have already been chosen by the very people that forced us into our current state? Why should the future incriminate these innocent children capable of so much more than we truly realize? Alas, they won’t have the opportunities to provide such potential due to restrictions brought on by their social class, arbitrarily decided by Those above him. I urge you, Kinfolk, brothers and sisters: We deserve change, We demand change; and We will have change. Such is true. If it isn't words that they will listen to, then let it be BLOOD. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Change is necessary, and the time for change is now.” No longer will those who consider themselves to be oppressed at the hand of the Empire allow such travesties to continue unchecked, for the time of righting such wrongs is rapidly approaching; that of which is something that nobody can deny. Previously, critical sentiments harbored towards the Empire were rarely ever discussed openly in fear of persecution. Now, however, it’s all too common to walk through Providence and hear some type of discussion involving one another condemning the Empire for their trespasses and abuse. Seemingly, the everyday citizen has finally opened their eyes and acknowledged the horrors around them. It’s now time for them to decide whether they’ll simply accept the abuse and inherently enable the continuation of it, or if they’ll actually put their foot down and make a difference. Some of those who consider themselves as the ‘enlightened’ type are doing exactly that: putting their foot down, hoping to make a difference; no longer will they willingly allow the abuses of the Empire to continue unchecked. These people travel up and down the roads, voicing word of their cause, hoping to appeal to each passerby they encounter in an attempt to recruit more willing to support their mission: “Is it not time for us to consider that we should finally do what’s necessary to make a difference in our own lives? The system of the Empire thrives on the ignorance of those under its reign: what the people don’t know they can’t reject! Well, I say we let them know then! Open their minds! Once we have let ALL know of our struggle, our message, and our passion then we shall truly know the difference between the common man made from blood and bone and those who are simply hollow puppets of the Empire, that of which must be purged. Those puppets of the Empire are the same ones who wish to put down others for their own benefit. Tell me this: If a man beats you down, kills your family and steals your money, would you be willing to join them? No, you would devote yourself to growing stronger than them in the hopes that one day you may return to put them in their place. That is exactly what we’re doing, and we urge you to do the same, brother and sister!” “No longer will those who consider themselves to be above us be able to repress and silence our opinions and disagreements. We shall rise above them and make sure they know who we are, for our power far outweighs that of their own. Soon, those who reject our message will be beneath us; not spiritually, or politically, but rather literally: they shall be beneath us, six feet underneath our two feet as they lie in their graves. No longer shall there be murders in the streets - orchestrated by none other than the Empire’s own military! No longer will soldiers and nobility torture our women and starve our children! No longer will they beat and stomp on those who simply look differently from them! NOT FOR A MOMENT LONGER will those like you, who toil and struggle in hopes of one day achieving their dreams, be hindered from such!” “For hundreds of years we’ve accepted the abuses of the Empire that they’ve subjected us to, our spirits kept in handcuffs - the key to said handcuffs they’ve tossed away. For too long we’ve stopped looking for that key. Blind eyes and cuffed hands have come to be all our once proud people know. No longer! No longer will we remain as the slaves that gather their resources and fill their fat unworthy bellies. I encourage you to consider our message, that the time to do what’s right and fight against an injustice is either now or never. Let it be now rather than never.” The voices of these revolutionaries are filled with pride as they speak of their ideals and dreams of a far better society that only a revolt against the current status quo could likely achieve. Along their travels, they parted minas and bread to the commoners who struggled in the economy of each nation, it was quite clear these men were the voices of the poverty stricken and lower class that ultimately had no voice within society. These men were not bandits; not thieves; not at fault for any wrongdoings. These men were simple commoners who yearned for a change, who yearned for a better future; one that didn’t have haughty nobility upheld upon a throne supported by corrupt bureaucrats. They offered smiles and waves to their fellow man, elf, and every dwarf that they came upon in their travels. They saw each and every creature equal to them. No one was judged or criminalized by these men. These men simply wanted to help those in need lead the fight against tyranny. Application (interpreted IRP): A group of four horsemen approach you while traveling alongside one of the various backroads of Almaris; stopping you, they begin to openly speak of their cause and ideology, hoping to appeal to you. After a certain amount of time passes they invite you to take up arms and travel with them to the next destination they have in mind, hoping to find even more people supportive of their cause, promptly welcoming you with open arms: Minecraft Username: In-game name: Reason for joining the Resistance against the Oren: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ {{OOC}} We’ll now be allowing those interested in joining the Resistance against the Holy Orenian Empire do so. If you’re interested in joining the Resistance then I encourage you to fill out the short application above. You can either send it as response to the forum post (which I imagine few will do), through a DM, or via Discord: Pharmaceutical Grade Chlymydia#1514 We have many events planned which we would absolutely adore you to become involved with! Obviously as you can imagine our efforts won’t be successful unless we have a decently sized group of people to support such ideals. The more we have on board, the merrier. If you personally have an interest in going against the Empire then we’ll welcome you, regardless of what race you are! Orenian, Norlander, Kha - you’re welcome to join. Thanks for reading! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Previous Forum Post, O' Beautiful Providence - A Critical Treatise: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/199510-o-beautiful-providence-a-critical-treatise) (Previous Forum Post, Cries for Revolution: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/199201-cries-for-revolution)
  8. Gustaven von Halsfield lies in bed motionlessly, the ongoing chaos brewing within his mind being unwilling to ease enough to allow him the opportunity to sleep. No amount of alcohol consumption would prove to benefit Gustaven much in his attempts to spare himself the mental anguish he had been experiencing, though it certainly didn't mean that attempts hadn't been made; empty bottles lie all over his bedroom, his breath stinking of cheap booze. Next to Gustaven's bed laid a letter, the subject matter pertaining to the death of King Antonio. "This is all my fault. My hands are stained with the blood of both a holy man and that of a King." the sorrowful being reaches around the table adjacent to his bed in the darkness, trying to feel where the last bottle of liquor was that he had left unfinished from earlier. "I - I .. I wish I had known in advance that this is what would've came of my actions. I regret them entirely." comments Gustaven as he sighs, "I will certainly pay for this in the after-life, Creator have mercy on my wretched soul." he quickly downs the remaining liquid from the bedside bottle only to eventually lay back down in his bed. Continuing to stare at the ceiling above him, he eventually passes out from exhaustion.
  9. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "The preservation of Justice is necessary in a world where Evil typically triumphs over Good." ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Black Crow is a non-partisan, international criminal investigative organization which specializes in: the orchestration and supervision of independent investigations; matters of security; and matters pertaining to the gathering of intelligence and counterintelligence. Additionally, the organization functions as a for-hire law enforcement entity for ill-equipped nations lacking such, as well as functioning as a bounty-hunter service depending on the circumstance. The organization operates on a contractual basis where members are assigned - either individually or alongside other members - the responsibility of fulfilling tasks relative to the contract at hand. Lacking any political affiliation as a non-partisan, politically-independent organization, the expectation is that the Black Crow will benefit from the absence of potential bias which can - for example - arise from being a function of a political entity such as a nation state. As one can imagine, bias has an obvious impact on the integrity of research and data collection; bias influences our actions and thoughts, which can translate into one's research thus rendering it improper and reducing the amount of credibility as a result. In the current political climate of Almaris where government corruption is far too common it is a necessity that there exists some sort of credible entity which can independently investigate matters without being weighed down by the burden of bias. Internally the organization functions much like a typical mercenary organization, with a system of military hierarchy in place in the form of ranks and such. Members are promoted based on their performance in the field, and are paid accordingly. Eventually members will be able to form their own squads where they, as squad leaders, will be able to decide which contracts they'd like to accept and who assists them while doing so. Payment will be based on the completion of each contract, pay varying depending on the complexity of the assignment. It shouldn't come as a surprise that considering the subject matter of this organization that competently intelligent 'outside the box' style thinkers are primarily desired as opposed to more of the brute-force type. If such a description describes you then you're encouraged to apply for a position within the Black Crow. As part of the application process new applicants will be given a brief test assessing basic logic capabilities. ((Basically, in short, the Black Crow is an organization which handles investigations independent of any and all government control - at least as much as possible. Matters concerning murders, potential government corruption, and even kidnappings are all examples of things that the Black Crow actively investigates or has investigated before in the past.)) ========================================= Application ========================================= ((Can be posted as a response on the forum post, or as a direct message to me on either the forums or on Discord: Pharmaceutical Grade Chlymydia#1514)) OOC: ((MC Name: )) ((Discord: )) ((Timezone: )) In-Character: What is your name? Why do you wish to become involved with the Black Crow? What do you wish to achieve by joining the Black Crow?
  10. Please come back from the liquor store, dad 

  11. ((IGN)): Knights5544 Name: Apollo Age: 16 Chosen Role: Rogue Race: Human ((Do you have skype and/or willing to get it?)): Yes, taleblink
  12. OOC MC name: Knights5544 Skype: Taleblink Timezone: EST RP Name: Apollo Age: 16 Race: Human Gender: Male Job applying for: Bachelor/Server Any interesting skills?: Skilled sailor Any reason you wish to work at this fine establishment?: I am financially screwed and require a job.
  13. I accidentally alt + tabbed while writing this and did not want to contact a FM to delete the post so I quickly finished this. But thanks fam. Edit: Almost done fixing this up. Edit #2: I'm removing a large block of this idea, replacing it with less of the blood-portion of Boh'ka . . . The word count will be quite high . . . I wonder if the LMs will actually read a 2,000 word introduction to Boh'ka :^)
  14. Sorry, I was just mentally-exhausted when writing this. Boh'ka doesn't just refer to blood altering, Boh'ka is the magic of providing opposite-charges (the least technical term I could think of). I'm still fixing up the idea, so later on I'll make it clear what else Boh'ka can do. Sorry again for providing non-finished information. ;-;
  15. You're commenting on a post in which I accidentally hit tab+enter Also, blood magic ISN'T even REMOTELY close to this. Please understand blood magic. Also, I believe it's quite unfair to post -1's on a non-finished post in which I accidentally hit tab+enter and posted it. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/112030-lore-blood-magic-second-generation/ Check your blood magic privilege, cislord. So, please, wait until I finish this post. Edit: Post is moderately finished, fire away.
  16. {{WIP, it'll be finished at the end of Spring Break/the 18th-ish}} {{THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BLOOD MAGIC! THIS IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT FORM OF MAGIC}} Boh'ka Magic idea with contributions from ~-~-~ Philip_2011 Tahariae/Baronvondietz Knights5544/Ninja805 drm0nst3rofd00m JCmarine Thor92299 ~-~-~ Introduction to Boh'ka: A magical-sensitivity exists in our blood, our hemoglobin to be exact. This magical-sensitivity, when altered by an outside-force, shows signs of magnetism. Any student specializing in human physiology would be able to tell you that hemoglobin, the red-blood muscle cells in our body, contains traces of iron. Any scientist specializing in chemistry would also be able to inform you of ferromagnetism, or the relationship/attraction of materials like copper and iron to magnets. What one can infer from above is that ferromagnetism can exist as a process within our hemoglobin, though it is unlikely for the effects of ferromagnetism to occur unless an outside force is acted upon the hemoglobin: That's where Boh'ka plays a role. By channeling energy/mana from the void, a mage can bring-forth an oppositely-charged amount of polar-energy which thus begins the process of ferromagnetism. With an outside force acting upon the mage's blood, a magnetic-effect takes place. By exerting more energy/mana upon their blood, the mage can semi-control their blood and use it for what they see fit. (if, and only if, the blood is exposed from an open-wound.) Boh'ka Regarding Distance: As you can probably infer, 'shooting' blood at a target that is tens-upon-tens of feet/meters/yards/miles/light-years away is quite implausible. The further you 'shoot' the blood, the lesser of a force the magnetic-charge yields. The furthest that blood could travel would be around 10-20 meters, and that's for Tier-5! Strengths: A master/learner of the art of Boh'ka is able to conjure simple-to-complex attacks and defenses to aid them in combat. Boh'ka is simple to conjure . . . As long as you're at a high-tier! Weaknesses: A novice who is unaware of how much blood he can conjure/use at once can easily die from blood-loss. The magic at a low-tier proves to be partially-useless to a mage, it's not until the mage reaches a higher-tier in which the magic proves it's use. Runs on blood. (Could be a strength, though!) Blood only travels a short distance. While most mages can initially experience the magnetic-energy that is present within our bodies, it is quite difficult to alter it to our own needs: Boh'ka is hard to learn and even more difficult to master. What's Required to Learn Boh'ka: Like most magics require, Boh'ka requires intelligence to learn/master. To begin even the most simple-forms of a Boh'ka attack/spell a grasp of the science behind Boh'ka must be understood. (If not, you'll have no idea how to alter your blood/provide a negative/positive charge.) Tiers & Levels of Understanding! Novice Tier-1: This novice, with a good-grasp upon the science of Boh'ka, can provide an opposite-charge upon their blood and control it within the air for a few seconds before becoming extremely fatigued. [0-2 weeks] Apprentice Tier-2: An apprentice is a step-ahead of a novice. A better understanding of the science of Boh'ka allows this mage to control their blood within the air for as long as ten seconds. An apprentice is able to conjure EXTREMELY tiny balls of blood, trying to 'shoot' these balls would prove futile, though. [3-4 weeks] Journeyman Tier-3: A journeyman is most likely going to be a scholar of some-sorts whose devoted a portion of his life to understanding Boh'ka. A journeyman can control his blood quite-well, being able to hold his blood within the air for well-over twenty seconds. A journeyman, unlike a novice and an apprentice, can actually form moderately-sized balls of blood and be able to 'shoot' these blood-balls up to five meters. Not only can a journeyman form balls of blood, but he can also form basic weaponry from blood, an example being a blade-like fang of blood which is connected to the body at a blood-source (look at the video). [6-8 weeks] Expert Tier-4: An expert of Boh'ka is rare to find. An expert is a step-above a journeyman. An expert of Boh'ka is able to keep his blood within his control for well-over thirty seconds, sometimes even being able to control it up to a minute! Experts can form large-balls of blood which can prove deadly to an enemy as the mage can 'shoot' these balls up to ten meters. Experts can form better blood-weaponry, like stronger blade-like fangs of blood (refer to the video). [10-12 weeks] Master Tier-5: Woah there, cowboy! You've devoted all your free-time to Boh'ka, congratulations I guess! As a master of Boh'ka, one can control his blood up to a minute + and even be able to 'shoot' large-balls of blood up to twenty meters! A master is only limited by how much blood he/she contains in their body. Masters of this fine-art can also form the most pristine quality of edge-weaponry weaponry. [20-28 weeks] Red Flags: Obviously no power-gaming of my fine form of magic. Drinking blood does not benefit your 'skills' at Boh'ka. Tier-1 and Tier-2's should not be using this magic as an attack, they haven't learned it yet. Not passing out/dying from using a liter + of blood is PG'ing x1,000 Regarding the dying/passing out: Yes, you must pass out/die if you've used too much blood. It's PG if you do not do this. It is power-gaming to learn this magic without understanding the science. This is because if you don't understand the science then you'll have no idea what you're doing when you're trying to actually conjure objects and such. To understand the science, I urge you to find a tutor in-game. Woah, woah, woah - Wait a second! N-no, p-please hold your questions! N-no, d-don't hit me there LMs! P-please, senpai! Q&A: Can I drink blood and become powerful with this? No, why would you even think that. Does drinking blood allow me to conjure better Boh'ka spells and such? You can be a totally weird edgy and drink blood and then go use Boh'ka and taint my nice idea for magic. Yes . . . Go along little Johnny, taint my magic. No. Drinking blood only makes you look like an edgy. Pffft, this magic sounds edgy! I'm really trying my hardest to make this a non-edgy magic . . . Yes, edgies can use this as long as they follow my parameters and don't taint my nice magic. I'd be delighted to have clerics use this magic, too! Videos of Boh'ka in use: Ignore the crappy-animu, I couldn't think of any better examples.
  17. I never saw that stated anywhere. Before I chose a blob, I asked a GM to make sure. Not only that, but it is stated on the lore list that these are playable creatures. Edit: I wasn't told either to contact you when talking to the mod, aswell.
  18. Are you asking the future Blob King of Oren that?
  19. O-oh, l-look who it is .. I-inb4 PVP default on my Blob. I will soon arise to the throne of Oren, Chon. Then will you still attack my blob, the blob who RULES you?
  20. blob maymays is the new thing on wizardchan
  21. Also, I have a quite strange question! Now, I know blobs are made up of multiple different organisms but . . . Blobs are more intelligent than oozes, so I was wondering if blobs can learn magic? This is a stupid question.
  22. Thanks for clearing that up, Mr. Heff! Now we may all embrace the cuteness of my blobular blob!
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