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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Dragonslayerelf

  1. af0f48bacceda95acdde56c9e6b1ff21.png

    When People Powergame

    1. Man of Respect
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      except for the REEEEE, REEEEEEEEEEEE is a bad meme.

    3. EdgyMagey


      great meme

  2. Any forum mods on that can give me the gold vip forum rank? cheers

    1. Vaynth


      forum mods can't do that. only team leads, devs and admins.


    2. Dragonslayerelf
    3. Vaynth


      Anytime friend.

  3. oFql9EW.png

    made a  new mineman nationblock meme ft. Ghanyah and Haria

    (spoofing off of Polandball)

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      LotC squares are inferior to LotC balls









    2. Dragonslayerelf


      @Papa Liamy u gotta show me up like that man

    3. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      man I gotta defend my honor man :^(

  4. >tfw you look back after 4 months of downtime and realize you were a bit of a spastic mongoloid for taking out a bad breakup on the server

    1. ScreamingDingo


      daily reminder orcs are a racial minority and treated like 1940s african americans

    2. Ford


      Don’t beat yourself up over it but glad to see you’re still hanging in there


      maybe give yourself a hard slap to sober up a bit more 

    3. Kaelan


      Hey Dragon! long time no see!

  5. image.thumb.png.d966d94b42a3783e270cf59beba3ed56.png

    made a mineman nationblock meme

    (spoofing off of Polandball)

    1. Zhulik


      R word is a big nono!

    2. Heero
  6. #FreeEliteSnipes, mans literally did nothing but be an orc.

    1. Elite Snipes

      Elite Snipes

      Thanks for the support DSE, means alot gamer. Ang Gijak Ishi!

  7. http://www.strawpoll.me/12132847

    So, I had this idea abt Nexus crafting a little while ago, right? Since we're transfering to Obelisk procedurally, I had the idea to change the one-track grinding system into multiple branching skill trees that allow you to make a good quality of _, as well as allowing the grind rate to decrease exponentially w/ out fear of an overuse of the sustem. To make an example, you take blacksmithing, and instead of just one path where you make better & better stuff, you could choose to branch off into either weaponsmithing, armorcrafting or toolsmithing. Or, lets say we take Farming amd fishing, two things that really don't need to be separate, and you create a 'gathering' skill, which branches off into getting more herbs and alch ingredients from drops, or herbalism, farming, and fishing (without grappling hooks, which could be a separate item.)

    The list goes on and on, but if you get the jist, fill out the strawpoll!

  8. Just wanted to make a statement: I'm officially back.

    1. ElevenJellyBeans


      Woo! Welcome back :)


    1. Ducklingator


      i actually did this once but the more the better so


      you're a good man

  9. I have to cut down the largest tree in the forest with...
    A e1e431d9caf46dd035252f6b831f2c59.png

  10. When you sleep in


  11. a15b9c65d8f1c4c76e8fab80cc68f8b5.jpg

    When the Event Creature is too powerful

  12. abe0c58ae8bb404248f13f5977ec20f1.png

    The Black Knight would be proud.

  13. 5780d9282160cdb1acbc7a4016453f96.jpg

    Slightly less poetic than A Song of Ice and Fire

  14. Well, I found the end of the world.



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