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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Wrynn

  1. So banning without proof is a thing now. 

    orc hate bias is real lol

  2. EU West is EU best

  3. i confess my undying love for @Altiak

  4. What should I set my rank thing as, when I get it?

  5. Ug Allergy season is the worst. What are you allergic too?

    I am allergic to grass, hay, cats, dogs, most tree pollen, most flower pollen.

    I don't leave the house much... I have a lot of free time...

    Support my application to join staff!

  6. someone share their popcorn with me

  7. https://gyazo.com/28aab5cdef35edd182fac60f1a2ba7b3 
    Fix your server, been looking at this for 10 mins now

  8. https://gyazo.com/28aab5cdef35edd182fac60f1a2ba7b3 
    Fix your server, been looking at this for 10 mins now

  9. https://www.twitch.tv/twitch Bethesda conference in one minute. 

  10. have you seen this enemy of the revolution this is a recent picture of the counter-revolutionary mittosaurus please help find him will be greatly reward by comrade pandan

  11. Makes me chuckle that when we introduced the curved profile pictures everyone wanted the squares.. 

  12. Anyone know how to change a region's greeting?

  13. how to apply


  14. X-ray doesn't even do anything. =.=

  15. They may take our lives, but they can never take ... our daily monkbread!

  16. They may take our lives, but they can never take ... our daily monkbread!

  17. Kim

    Kim    Treaty

    sir i think you took pocket gm too far

  18. I get it if you say no. And i get it if you say you will never be unbanned thats how my life is felling right now i don't have any hope of you unbanning me but if you ever think im going to give up on trying to get back on your server, your wrong i LOVE this server i will never give up tell me every thing i have to fix please


       - Thank you

    your server is awesome one thing i look forward to, the only thing i look forward to.

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