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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Kvasir

  1. I've talked to @Tythus for a very long time in discord and we've decided to that we're going to get married! I'm so excited!!!

  2. Hey, I heard you like body pillows.



  3. free my n-word venomoo!

  4. free my n-word venomoo!

  5. free my n-word venomoo!

  6. Now in Technicolor!




    Done by Meb90 on DA/Tumblr. Seriously, her art is the best.


    Lookit those pearly whites...!



  8. F R E E

    K E T C H E N

  9. how do i become whitelisted


  11. did they change the # of soulbound slots you can have? or is it related to hours spent on the server? I could've swore I had 2 slots before the map change and now I only have one?

  12. did they change the # of soulbound slots you can have? or is it related to hours spent on the server? I could've swore I had 2 slots before the map change and now I only have one?

  13. so is this blade1212 thing a meme or not

  14. 9424d695cd0b6352da162d97edc04c35.png

    Check out this sick ass patch notes format

  15. did they change the # of soulbound slots you can have? or is it related to hours spent on the server? I could've swore I had 2 slots before the map change and now I only have one?

  16. Hey all you meme dudes!

  17. Anyone interested in playing an Auvergnian vintner, hit me up.

  18. Anyone interested in playing an Auvergnian vintner, hit me up.

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