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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Kvasir

  1. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/149196-lotc-show-yourself-thread-ii/?page=5 Making the show yourself thread a thing again ya'll should reveal your sexy faces on it.

  2. grr kowaman grr 

  3. Sooo, when can be expect Aerial's ban to be removed?

  4. I may have "discovered" a new elven word! I've been looking at the "Recovering the ancient tongue of the elves" thread, (it's ancient, but still relevant I assume) and I found some affixes that could be used to refer to halfbreeds in the elven language. The affixes being "ael" (vile, unnatural, beastly) and "onn" (from, born, kin) to create the word aelonn (if adding affixes with no seed word is an alright thing to do) which would translate to "unnatural born", "vile born" (you get the point). Or in other words, "halfbreed", but this could be a word to ecompass all halfbreeds. This could then be paired with the seed "mali" to produce mal'aelonn, essentially meaning "elven halfbreed". How about that?

  5. Life is strange, m'dudes.

  6. Man.. I missed the times in Haria. #GoodToBeBack

  7. If you could bring one player back to LotC, who would it be?

  8. You are all beautiful people

  9. What did I miss?

  10. What did I miss?

  11. Looking for two more for Civ.

  12. Twenty One Pilots is actually life.


  13. Leave for 3 months and come back with 337 notifications.

  14. Leave for 3 months and come back with 337 notifications.

  15. Now that Kincaid is unbanned I bid you all a farewell, status people

  16. Guess+whose+birthday+it+is+today?+:^+)

  17. Great, I have to wear a dress today. I hate dresses.

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