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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Kvasir

  1. what happens after you die?

  2. New color for ET names is terrible.

  3. The next thing 2016 should kill is itself

  4. honestly, how do you find a hobby. ive never been interested or had a passion for anything, really. how do people just find a "thing" to do on their own free time and become good at it?



  5. When you're twenty years old and people still call you "kiddo".

  6. hi i would like to be whitelisted

    because i am a verry good person to be around with

    and i love this mod and server :D i hope u can accept this offer because im cool woth it

  7. Merry christmas to everyone and here's to 2017! I hope you all got the gifts you want and enjoy some quality time with your familes! And for those old enough, good luck with the hangovers on Boxing Day!

  8. might be around for a little bit... who knows.

  9. find me a new profile picture theme

  10. I once was a sinner. But the Lord pardoned me and gave me another chance, I was humbly kneeling at the cross fearing God's angry frown as he came to know my sins. 

    I spoke to him...I could feel his presence with me "God...are you there?" I said.


    The ground shook "Yes, Barry."


    "Forgive me..." a tear ran down my eye.


    "You have been forgiven, but only if you do one thing for me..."


    Dear other people, I pray for you. But you won't get into Heaven unless you accept God into your lives.


    Please...I'm a changed man, I have found Christianity.

  11. I once was a sinner. But the Lord pardoned me and gave me another chance, I was humbly kneeling at the cross fearing God's angry frown as he came to know my sins. 

    I spoke to him...I could feel his presence with me "God...are you there?" I said.


    The ground shook "Yes, Barry."


    "Forgive me..." a tear ran down my eye.


    "You have been forgiven, but only if you do one thing for me..."


    Dear other people, I pray for you. But you won't get into Heaven unless you accept God into your lives.


    Please...I'm a changed man, I have found Christianity.

  12. I once was a sinner. But the Lord pardoned me and gave me another chance, I was humbly kneeling at the cross fearing God's angry frown as he came to know my sins. 

    I spoke to him...I could feel his presence with me "God...are you there?" I said.


    The ground shook "Yes, Barry."


    "Forgive me..." a tear ran down my eye.


    "You have been forgiven, but only if you do one thing for me..."


    Dear other people, I pray for you. But you won't get into Heaven unless you accept God into your lives.


    Please...I'm a changed man, I have found Christianity.

  13. looking to replace @Gucko with someone who wants builder and @Jake! with someone who wants actor, any takers?

  14. Three Days to Christmas!


    Lines will be short today, especially before 5pm and between 630-730pm! 


    Try to get your shopping done today and in one store! 


    Stores often carry other stores gift cards at their registers!


    Movie ticket gift cards are a good option, they might take you with them!


    Need a gift for a female but short on cash? Buy some of the small scented candles (between 30-50 cents each), buy a loofa (a few bucks), and some bubble bath mixture (also a few bucks). Put it all inside a basket (a dollar), don't even need to wrap it!, and you've made a gift they'll definitely use, is no more than ten dollars, and may get them thinking of you in the bath! Just make sure you want them thinking of you in that way, not for grandmas. 


    Happy holidays!

  15. polish people are assaulting the website come help.

  16. Happy that winter break is starting soon! Hopefully we'll get more people online now

  17. Im back in the sweet flesh!

  18. Im back in the sweet flesh!

  19. Maybe leaving now would be a good idea.

  20. don't hurt me 

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