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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Potts244

  1. The Hoomans


  2. Sanctuary at Night!

  3. Sanctuary at Night!

  4. i made new art for my character


    cool right?

  5. Chicken is on my mind.

  6. Why does muh status keep getting cut off

  7. ... Wait was banning for spoilers for real or just a joke?

  8. At the end of pokemon super mystery dungeon you have to kill mega Rayquaza or nuke Serene village.

  9. I wonder what it feels like to get denied for six positions in one day.

  10. Why don't you have a Skype god damnit

  11. Anyone here play Black Ops III on the Xbone

  12. Anyone here play Black Ops III on the Xbone

  13. tupac isn't dead

  14. Mario saves the princess from Bowser in the end after dying a lot of times.

  15. Someone should make a list of all hidden rules, here is another one that you guys can add to the list.

  16. Someone should make a list of all hidden rules, here is another one that you guys can add to the list.

  17. Someone should make a list of all hidden rules, here is another one that you guys can add to the list.

  18. Watch it not even be the ending. Would make me laugh.

  19. You really know school is boring if you end up browsing trough the LotC forums :P

  20. i didn't know having questionable motives was reason to blacklist someone.


  21. Imagine calling a GM to get people banned for cursing, and getting yourself banned for hacking. Thanks for the laughs Hornets. https://gyazo.com/343f33f04e0e7fb7bb14d87cb9550bcb

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