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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Potts244

  1. How do I contact the app team I don't feel my app was read in it's entirety.

  2. Didn't Ricky make those walls?

  3. Who built this? The Orcs might want to go tomb-raiding in it after the plague. https://gyazo.com/156c805db11c084910bfd15c968648bf

  4. That moment when you Modreq and your character dies from starvation waiting for a response

  5. Like League? Try participating in the tournament! It'll be a fun time to hang out with different people and show off your mad skills. Unless you're a Teemo. No one likes you.

  6. Is there any way to outright remove notifications?

  7. In the two years or so that I've been on this server, this is actually one of the worst ways GMs have handled a situation like this. Holy ****.

  8. Elad probably hates me but I have just been way too busy!!


  9. 2 line banditing people is not good rp


  10. New LotC Vlog coming soon!

  11. Is there a way to sell books through the shop plugin? Cause it keeps breaking for me.


  13. Just posted my first original... thing!

  14. https://youtu.be/chNe1uDqHPA Supremacys new character...? Seem Familiar?

  15. One has cracked the code. For that one, and that one only, the voices continue. https://soundcloud.com/lordofthecraft/the-search-ends

  16. Ave Savoie, Ave Orenia, Ave Humanity.

  17. Need my AT pex removed in game and on here, if someone would be so kind.

  18. Someone link me to the donation page that lets you swap skill levels? Is that still a thing?

  19. oh **** why did my post count just go up by 300?

  20. I've gone from 2k, to 6k, to 8k posts in a couple of months...

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