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Status Replies posted by Potts244

  1. mfw gm team allows et to blatantly misuse their powers to get a group banned. can we get a hitler downfall parody on this?

  2. mfw gm team allows et to blatantly misuse their powers to get a group banned. can we get a hitler downfall parody on this?

  3. press f to pay respects

  4. u want some chips w/ ur salt bud

  5. u want some chips w/ ur salt bud

  6. Life goals complete, kicked by the Holy Caliph himself https://gyazo.com/080fa772f019d8c0ee9959b14053f0a8

  7. The company takes what the company wants, meet out the back of IGA and I'll kick your ******* head in.

  8. Out of all the things I played as an ET I think I miss the Bohra the most. I regret not putting in the effort to continue their storyline through the latter half of Anthos.

  9. It's scary how just one individual can turn you off from an entire race

  10. I wonder why I think its fit that your mc name is potts. . . https://gyazo.com/ab4ed75fa19027556e85145b3615a71f

  11. How do I make coffee taste not like crap? I need this information to survive University.

  12. how do I make another character?


  13. Happy RPing!

  14. A recent study showed that every human who has ever had fun has died or will most likely die. Therefore you should join the AT's anti-fun crusade today, to save your life.

  15. Congratz on the new AT: Leowarrior14 "The Salty", aGiantPie "The Hateful" and Obtitan "The Edgy"

  16. Any Bedrock VIP's want to help a fella out?
    Ive been trying to rename this staff for over an hour and Ive had no luck.
    if you do help out, i love you long long time <3

  17. High elves why you fix only way to break in city. When it is super hard to do, why you guys babies. Why high elves babies. Stop being babies.

  18. What would you do if you woke up in the world of LotC? Assuming you are your real self, not your character, you have the knowledge you have IRL (so much meta) and your character still exists somewhere in the world.

  19. You get a crash and you get a crash. You all get crashes!

  20. Wubalubadubdub!

  21. Anyone know how to call a Spooky Horse? Or kill my current one? Since it's glitched and I can't find it at all.


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