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Status Replies posted by Trenchist

  1. Группа крови - на рукаве,
    Мой порядковый номер - на рукаве,
    Пожелай мне удачи в бою, пожелай мне:
    Не остаться в этой траве,
    Не остаться в этой траве.
    Пожелай мне удачи, пожелай мне удачи!

  2. humans make a culture thats not something from irl challenge

    1. Trenchist


      3 minutes ago, Urara said:

      no LOTC culture is more original than any other.

      abit of a gap between years of rp history & culture development and...ting pong

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. I’ll acknowledge my warning points when my modreqs start getting acknowledged i died three times in this **** and no one got back to me!

  4. If you get a ban report from a bunch of players of a certain ethnicity claiming that one's actions look/feel racist....it might be time to change the way you RP


    Cause you might be racist. ?

    1. Trenchist


      If you get a ban report from a bunch of players of a certain ethnicity claiming that one's actions look/feel racist...it might be because that playerbase are all a part of the same faction and have the same agenda

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. It amazes me how many people would rather watch mindlessly than take action.

  6. Is it possible to make it so when people do /date on Human Personas the Canonist Calendar shows up?

  7. I feel like LOTC time should be slowed down.

    Have like every month be a year

    and every week be a different season

    1. Trenchist


      imagine waiting an entire year just to grow up by 12 years

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. like how arcas doesn't have any interesting terrain

    1. Trenchist


      the 1 and only interesting terrain not even being used 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. hello anyone have political map of this world ?

  10. hello i would like to again  remind lotc that ERP IS ILLEGAL!!!! U WOULD GET BANNED!!!!

    1. Trenchist


      9 hours ago, Kanadensare said:

      with the number of times you talk about ERP, some might think YOU ARE AN ERPer!!!11

      oh dont u dare accuse me baby... im killing erpers for living... but now looks like ur the one next on the list................

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. So many things happening around me :)

  12. Are we really at that point that people have magic that makes their skin full stone, and darkies and Khas not legally kill-able in human nations? wth lotc, wth?

    1. Trenchist



      Implying I shouldn't be allowed to exterminate edgies in the town I guard.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Are we really at that point that people have magic that makes their skin full stone, and darkies and Khas not legally kill-able in human nations? wth lotc, wth?

    1. Trenchist


      6 hours ago, Sky said:

      The only issue I see is the first part- Second part is a roleplay issue friendo.

      Absolutely not a roleplay issue. If you attack a Kha or Darkie or any edgelord in human lands you're never the one with Defender Default even if you're a guard.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. Metagaming is using OOC knowledge IC....There are no other definitions of it, so he technically didn't metagame...If Alex gets banned that means that I should get banned too for telling someone OOCly that my character hates theirs.

    1. Trenchist


      Telling someone OOCly your character hates theirs isn't metagaming...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Are there any spellsword chars?

  16. jesus is two thousand and three years, and one day, older than i am. merry jewmas! (get it. its like christmas but im from israel so it's jew instead of christ. haha)


    1. Trenchist



    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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