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Status Updates posted by Imperium

  1. well you didn't have to wc balian if you missed me so much could've just said hi  @Nectorist

    1. MaltaMoss


      no actually it was me sorry

      can we reform the ISA

    2. Nectorist


      i was begging them to pick petra so we could meet after hours in between the camps

    3. Rigorous


      Missed you bro. WB

  2. Balian's balling

  3. If Ferrymen raid us does that mean we a nation now?

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Nation status should go back to being an informal classification players assign to places IRPly instead of formal activity-based and staff defined crud we have right now, imo

    2. Imperium
  4. so whos gonna be cringe and raid or do something on easter, place your bets below

  5. How long you think the wars gonna last? My bets a week or two

    1. Asutto


      I thought it was going to end last night

  6. apathy is death

  7. gg looking forward to more fights


  8. been a pretty good 24 hours

  9.  @Kanadensare love you bro, even if Tuvya and Viktor didn’t

    Edited by Imperium
    1. Kanadensare


      love u man, ur a real 1

  10. Okay guys lets settle this, $20 dollar steam gift card to whomever disbands the Empire and ends this mess. 

    1. gandalfo


      i mean tbf hand that 20$ over 

      Edited by gandalfo
  11. can the server stop shitting on itself plz

  12. Day ??: Ive lost track of the days, even has I write this the cold has made my finger numb. We lost @drtrollado last night, he passed away in his sleep. I fear our minds can’t take much more of this. . .

    Edited by Imperium
    1. HurferDurfer1


      welcome to my world

    2. drtrollado


      F for our fallen comrade

  13. Day 2: My body is slowly going numb, the lack of clicking is starting to get to me. We try to pass the time by telling stories, but it only reminds us what were missing. . .

    1. Vindicant


      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ take my clicker energy

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Just go click people to death on Roblox

    3. SubscriptShark2
  14. Vege has returned hoping to tackle the new Empire, where have I seen this before? Wonder how it will end.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Imperium


      @Tempoh, na they all go into a doscord said they hated the empire and summoned him

    3. Temp


      Disappointing if true

    4. Imperium


      It is true 

  15. Day 1 : I have been suffering from lotc withdrawl, how long has it been?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vindicant


      Mr Imperium? I don’t feel so good...

    3. SubscriptShark2
    4. ___


      Day 1 without Ave and I’m starting to go crazy. I see the Vaeyl encroaching around the corner of my eyes. The Brotherhood is falling apart. Norland has killed our citizens and the Sky-Pagans have soared from the skies and have taken our soldiers in their filthy grasp, never to be seen again... Send help. God help us.

  16. guess they deleted the map, again 

    1. 1_Language_1


      Right in the middle of an event too.


      someone spawned in too many zombies.

  17. Lancaster? whats next York?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Imperium


      Sign right up


    3. UnusualBrit


      Ave Lancaster 

    4. TJBMinecraft


      Seems like in not the only one to realise it.

  18. If you want serve Black Company, and fight for House Ruthern join now!


    Edited by Imperium
  19. GG good fight romstuns 

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