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Everything posted by 6xdestroyer

  1. @music_bot !play "emotional titanic flute solo"

  2. I'm interested in who exactly engineered this and with what thanhium they did so?
  3. Aladeen?

    1. Vege


      my name is allison burgers

  4. No More Monkeying Around The Rex paced up and down within his chambers, the glower of Krugmars great, beating sunlight glimmering through the slatternly window. It flickered across the room - a reminder to those who stood present of its occupancy; like a wild conflagration it danced and writhed and cast its black taint across the yellowed walls of the palace. Orgoth - the aforesaid Rex - was invested with a deep, underlying wroth - which was clearly ostensible in his gait - and eventually broke his trance of idle pacing and contemplation with a sigh, wherein he thereafter abruptly pivoted to meet his Targoth, Goj and Yazgurtan with a stern disposition. He opened his mouth to speak. But he stopped. And closed it. But then, he held it awry once again, this time granting his anger audible tangibility, “Firstly, we almost succumbed to the scourging pestilence of the Orenian horde, and we were cast out from our rightful home...” The triad that stood before the hulking Braduk all gave nods of approval as he administered his monologue, “...And then, we were once more threatened with cessation…” Orgoth shook his head and paused… but peculiarly gave a hoarse, concise chuckle, “Well, Oren’s backward plans bit them right in the ******* arse!” The three too laughed, “But now, we are faced with a coeval grievance… some ******* baboon men are living in OUR land, and taint it with their worship of Metzli and sordid doings!” The three looked at each other at the sudden outburst. Orgoth mellowed his tone somewhat and proceeded, “We must reclaim Zagbals jungle, but I am done trifling with peace, for that lead to my envoy being attacked. It is time for great WAGH, brothers.” Orgoth’s chin twitched as he concluded his statement. His gaze slowly examined the Uzg’s most powerful men, his eyes locking primarily upon the Yazgurtan, “Vagud, amass a fleet at any expense, take the builders and construct some if you must.” “Yes, Rex,” Said he, Vagud’Gorkil, a redskinned ork with eyes of a frugal yellow. The Rex’s stare, at a languid pace, honed in upon the second’s countenance, “Kuntklobbera, prepare the soldiers, ensure their Zults swing true.” “Yes, Rex,” Replied the Targoth, who - akin to Vagud - possessed a skin feverishly red, and eyes equally so - a fiery orange. Orgoth then looked to the third, “Gurak, take as many slaves as we can spare and sacrifice them to Enrohk, for we must be in his favour.” Gurak replied with a slow nod, “Yes, Rex.” His deep red eyes glinting in the invading rays of gold. Orgoth stood back, and waved a hand of dismissal. The others complied and they left hastily to fulfill their given tasks. Soon after, a massive fleet was borne before him of dwarvish and orcish transport ships. Wagh was on the horizon. WARCLAIM Tier Chosen (This cannot be changed after the first warclaim is held): 1 Type of battle: Skirmish Date And Time: 4PM EST, SAT 1st of April 2017 (No not a Prank) Side A: War Nation of Krugmar + Allies Side B: Hou-Zi Location and boundaries: Direct Area: https://gyazo.com/97d0648496ccb5186379a8bfa938d6bb Surrounding area of battlefield for reference to location: https://gyazo.com/8ef0f8c8467ea81b208a7f394fbfbe7d Terms of Victory Victory for the Attackers: All Hou-zi forces are killed or driven from the battlefield. Victory for the Defenders: All Orcish forces are killed or driven from the battlefield. Upon Victory For… Side A: The Warnation of Krugmar has the right to establish a siege camp outside the Houzi lands and may siege/pillage/take over the following week. Side B: The Warnation of Krugmar may not warclaim the Hou-zi for two weeks. Rules - No status switching. - All LoTC Rules - No one day alts or non rp allies - No TNT -Only the addition of sensible defenses that are moderator approved may be added. - If the Hou-zi does not attend, their lands are forfeit to the Warnation of Krugmar. - No New Hou-zi applicants after this post until the WC is over. -No Golden Apples
  5. The man is invited to the Goi to claim his purchase.
  6. Wi gut a zmall znaga fur auczion. Bidding ztartz ad 200 minaz. [!] A crude drawing is below. https://i.gyazo.com/c997a39efd70d19fcbba6a99fca3b142.png
  7. [!] Simple notes would be pinned around a few settlements around Axios. Auctioning three tomes, leave your bids below: Chef Tome Woodworker Tome Tinker Tome All bids for each tome begin at 350 minas. Please comment which you seek to purchase. Bidding will end once a price is determined acceptable.
  8. Duuuuude asuuuuuuuh dude.

  9. KRUG. (Make an orc today)

  10. I dont know if that guy had that many minas but Id bid 450 for final buy
  11. Agreed. You're trying to make some sort of auto hand held ballista that would probably be 2 times the size of a dwarf.
  12. The Monk's Mistake With the Establishment of the new Cloud Temple, the Monks had made a fatal mistake in their planning: They had forgotten the boat to San'Torr. Upon this news reaching to the Orcish Capital, the typically quiet city would quickly turn boisterous and horrendously loud as the War Nation begins preparing for war. The War Horns blasted, signaling the Orcish Navy to begin to equip their ships with orcish siege equipment and check their sails. The smiths of the Goi instantly setting to work, preparing devilish blades to hack through any opponents. One thing was now known: Wagh was on its way. WARCLAIM Tier Chosen (This cannot be changed after the first warclaim is held): 1 Type of battle: Naval Skirmish Date And Time: Sunday, March 12, 4pm EST Side A: The War Nation and Allies Side B: The Cloud Temple Monks Location and boundaries: Direct Area: Water Outside The Cloud Temple Terms of Victory Victory for the Attackers: All Monk forces are killed or all their ships are sunk. Or An Orc Boat FT is Put In. Victory for the Defenders: All Orcish forces are killed or routed from the battle site. Upon Victory For... Offensive Victory: The Cloud Temple region is able to be sieged by the War Nation of the Orcs. Defensive Victory: Cloud Temple may not be attacked again for two weeks. A counter skirmish may occur. Rules - -No gapples -No 1 day alts -No Monk Magic -No status swapping -No breaking LoTC rules -If a side does not show they forfeit Please only Staff or Nation Leaders comment below. Thanks
  13. Why don't you go watch some hentai weird ass Japanese anime
  14. Harrison would be the one use an assassins creed skin
  15. "Lat kant get da guud guud fur unlee 30-60 minaz, maybe fur azh bub nub fur a bundle!"
  16. "I hear the void is accepting" says a passerby mageman
  17. I miss the old Seannie, straight from the Go Seannie
    Chop up the soul Seannie, set on his goals Seannie
    I hate the new Seannie, the bad mood Seannie
    The always rude Seannie, spaz in the news Seannie
    I miss the sweet Seannie, chop up the beats Seannie

    I gotta say, at that time I'd like to meet Seannie
    See, I invented Seannie, it wasn't any Seannies
    And now I look and look around and there's so many Seannie
    I used to love Seannie, I used to love Seannie
    I even had the pink polo, I thought I was Seannie
    What if Seannie made a song about Seannie
    Called "I Miss The Old Seannie"? Man, that'd be so Seannie
    That's all it was Seannie, we still love Seannie
    And I love you like Seannie loves Seannie

    1. Taketheshot
    2. Ambduscias


      perhaps it is not seannie22 who has changed but you ......

    3. Mj.
  18. *posters hang throughout the major cities across Axios* "Buying wool. Send Bird to Turov."

  19. *Posters hang throughout Orenian Lands* Selling carbarum warhammer recipe. Bird Andrei Kovachev if interested.

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