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Everything posted by Adelemphii

  1. Not quite sure when you became the World Developer Director (might've been a long time, but I truly don't know.) But congratulations!

  2. I'll make sure to check it out when I get netflix back.

  3. I'm enjoying being 42 on community rep, It's the answer to the story of life.


    1. ___


      i'm the true answer

  4. Haha! You have so many tags on the forums and three of them are directed towards the LT! That's awesome, I don't know when you became the LT manager and director but late congratulations!672648aff96257ad784801909fbb1eb3.png

  5. Everyone look at my profile ecksdee! lawl!

    1. thesaintjaleel


      ahahahahaha rawr x3

  6. when you lag out of lotc 15 times in a row, then you lag out of a csgo competitive match 5-7 times

  7. I love your icon on the forums, That's pretty cool. Whoever made that, props to them.


    Same with the gif on your banner too! Those're both really cool!

  8. Wendigo is a pretty cool person, I mean, I play a mute, I would know. 11/11
  9. Hung out in a discord I wasn't supposed to be in for about a month, and they just found out because I told them. Now I am playing uno alone while listening to dogs howling. :ok_hand:

  10. I've always loved the ferals lore, this just gives it more depth. +1
  11. What should I change my mc name to?

  12. Why do I have so many profile views? I'm not too active on the forums.

    1. BrunoPhil


      Because you're a cool kid

  13.  listen to that QUALITY MMMM THE BUZZZ

  14. Do you still keep your bucket around?

  15. Sigh, it's Sunday, my friends.

    1. Netphreak


           Sunday is a good day for Pie my friend.

  16. I sneeze, get a headache and a stuffed nose.. Great.

    1. Altarael


      Stuffed nose usually means your sinuses are congested. To unblock your sinuses perform 5-10 pushups or perform a form of acupuncture where you press between your eyebrows, and push your tongue against the roof of your mouth, alternate between these methods for temporary relief, purchase a nasal/sinus drainage device or purchase sinus decongestant medicines for instant relief.

  17. I love the fact that I wake up at 3 am every morning.

  18. Youtube on xbox is horrible

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