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About BrunoPhil

  • Birthday 04/07/2001

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  1. Sign up for Citizenship RP Name: Adelmar Oliveira MC Name: SaltedHAMilton
  2. Character Description (be as descriptive as possible!): Well, first of all ignore the art and part of the appearance of Malrin in the Character sheet because he has improved. The adult's face has become more mature, seemingly at his thirties which was weird for someone whose features were so similar to that of an elf! Yes, he shares elven and human features, though his chin is covered by a rather long beard that he is very proud of. He has a white tattoo in his right arm (https://prntscr.com/jfrm53 something like that but it goes down to his wrist) and he's also very short for an adult, being only 5'7"~5'8". Character Sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18LOszz-VT3Jcm4uauT7vEtXHopdW6cbxxf74l6fIBqw/edit Skin Screenshot: Extra Shading: Yeee boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Reference(s): Uhh... N-Not really, sorry...
  3. Initiate Application MC name: TotallyNotBruno Character Name: Ewlin Hae'vaul Discord (Optional): TotallyNotBruno#3858 Race: Mali'Aheral. Age: Around 200 years old. Do you know any magic currently?: No, I do not. Which subject do you plan to learn?: War Tatics, Fire Evocation and Illusion. Do you swear to abide by the rules of the academy?: Yes, I do.
  4. Character Description (be as descriptive as possible!): A 5'10" wood elf with serious features and a very muscled body. He has bright green eyes and dark brown curly hair, while his big ol' ears are easily seen through the hair. He's usually seen to have tired eyes, probably should get more sleep and stop doing drugs. Character Sheet: N/A Skin Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/irt8hq Extra Shading: Yeee! Reference(s): N/A, sowwy.
  5. Ristride looks over the castle, shaking his head before turning to leave. "Maybe I'll come back."
  6. *sniffs* no money ;w;
  7. RP Name: Ewlin Reyren. MC Name: Bendoversonn Known Arcane Arts: None. Position Desired: Student When is the best time to contact you for an interview: I am free most of the time.
  8. MCname: Bendoversonn Rp name: Reeve Randolph. Character Age: 32 Character Race: Human (Heartlander). Reason for applying?: I wish to destroy those who practise dark arts as my main objective, but I also wish to learn numerous ways of fighting and self-protection against such beasts. Prior Training: I have a basic train with swords and I am a Blacksmith. Have you killed anything/anyone before? If so list who/what, and the reason for doing so: I have not killed anything or anyone.
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