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Everything posted by Adelemphii

  1. I didn’t mean to post here

    1. Adelemphii


      im sorry, please don’t hurt me, my mind is JUMBLED

  2. very serious question here folks,


    how does one reinvigorate the passion for lotc that they once had, without buying a new account and masking themselves as a new player?

  3. bees are kinda hot tbh i like to put their honey into my pies
  4. It do be like that sometime



  5. Character (Gargim) killed his voice yesterday during that voidal mommy event yesterday, shouting and directing injured people towards the medical station. A shame nobody listened during the 3 hours he was shouting, killed his voice for the good will of no attention.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. z3m0s


      This Gorgim fella sounds like a standup guy, a hell of a dwarf.

    3. Senior


      I tried
      Look standing around looking menacingly at Mother was important. Though I am surprised I managed to convince anyone in the clinic to move in time tbh.

    4. Adelemphii


      @Arkelos good luck finding me xd

  6. Don’t forget about me, your 1 month long son, babywhiteknight.

  7. ef61afacc796d4b386ad323bd5c8a774.png


    Do I classify as a professional coder now? Time to apply for Dev.


  8. @UwUuSoWarm is cooler than @WhiteKnight_19

    Pie confirmed.

  9. ? 


    How are you enjoying LoTC so far?

  10. 35314766f365dc6d9c97c3b139ae1b93.pngIt’s that time of the YEAR! Happy birbday me.

  11. Bruv I had 42 notifications, #Inactive.


    gimme 5 reasons why I should open minecraft right now.

  12. 5acd462280f0351c99236e2eec853ba7.png

    Telanir looked at my profile last

  13. You’re making your way up in the world, 16 content count. Congratulations.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Adelemphii


      They tried to make me play their child, but then they never followed up. They continue to yell at me every day, but never say anything else.

    3. Mewliet


      I don't yell at you! ?

    4. Adelemphii


      You’re right mom, I’m sorry. 


      So how about them log pits?

  14.  you need  jeebus bob ross in your life.

  15. I got internet back two days ago after the Hurricane, instantly joined a minecraft SMP server and got diamond gear and a stack of TNT from grinding. *cough* Time to blow some people up with some sneaky traps.

  16. Can your old buddy o pal AlphaPie recieve a hug and an invite to sutica discord?


    Much love, forever in your debt,

    Xoxoxoxo- Pie

  17. sneakpeak.png

    It's been a while since I've done one of these, this is my current project. All I need to do is get a set for the picture and we're all set. Heh you get it? All set ;(

  18. Feel free to join The Church of Bob Ross, once you listen to this song you will be a member of The Church.

    Every day is a good day when you paint.


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