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Status Updates posted by Taketheshot

  1. @Harrison I want you to know the

    kawaii girl anime poster you got me

    for Christmas is going to Atlas.

    Edited by Taketheshot
  2. does the server have some ******* mental limitations, its gotta be the fiftieth crash today....

    1. LeoRabbit99


      Me as well


      Keep getting a message when I do say something like "Retreated to Fallback Server"

  3. I believe the whole rule of warning points for GOT spoilers still applies, dont be a ******* ****


    1. Chaw


      oh boy i cant wait to post some **** :D

  4. Good fight Norland. #NotMyAdmin #IMattyz4Admin

  5. Good fight Norland. #NotMyAdmin #IMattyz4Admin

  6. I think now I like ostriches too

    1. Wurfv


      I rate this 15.7

  7. Good fight Norland, that was fun. Cya tomorrow. ;D

  8. Were finally ******* free.

  9. server is dead lol

  10. Happy treasonous ***** day!

  11. Hi Im looking to coup haense and oren cause theyre bad, hit me up if ur interested

    1. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      roger, initiate protocol nineteen-sixteen

  12. @Hiebe Shocker!!! Dwarf GM watchesover dwarf attack! Bans human leader for **** reason!! What a solid guy!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Archbishop


      Should've been a neutral gm watching over. Who were the 3 and who were the 5?. Did the dwarves have 5 or?

    3. _pr0fit


      I agree, Combat logging should not be against the rules, #Freecombatloggereddy

    4. EPICBEAST6209


      It was Malinor Sug and Hiebe. The three were dwarves and the five were Eddy's group. It was fair


  13. Ave Orenia, good fight boys.

  14. LOTC Blacklist strikes again!

  15. Man I kinda wanna make a montage of all the RIP Oren posts that everyone made.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      over the last 3 years I've on-and-off had a human character I involve (usually in whatever zhulik/shady are doing) so I have some variety in my RP and have a place I can RP without the obligations of leadership. I never really quit the wood elves though

    3. Kiiwi


      Well, I'll give ya tree fiddy for those dank memes you produce. And me stronk daughter too.

    4. Ducklingator
  16. Free Kincaid Motherfuckers.

  17. Free nathan barnett!

  18. Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status  Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status  Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status  Relavent status Relavent status Relavent status

  19. *Generic status inciting my faction to impossibly raise the decibel of a text

    based status box>*

  20. This will never stop FMs....surrender

  21. Where one free poster falls, two will rise in his place. You made a mistake today folks. The war will continue!

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