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warlord of filth

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  1. genuine question big pvpers, y is a server with latency issues, no fancy plugins, and minimal pvp support ur go to for pvp? 

    this is not an attack or snide comment I am curious y u choose LoTC over legitimately any other server.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Brawms


      vanilla pvp is fun and its not so much about pvp its about how a dynamic system + combat = interesting situations. Just dont like participating in big CRP and I think its pretty true that when you clamp down on pvpers you clamp down on dynamic relations between groups too

    3. LatzMomo


      You are under the misconception that role play only includes typing, when in fact most forms of role playing games have heavy mechanics based combat systems in place in order to deal with combat, think of things like literally every single MMORPG, Role playing games like TES and Fallout.

      PvP IS RP, it is just represented in a different way. When PvP is over, that does not mean it never happened, it wasn't an OOC fight, the fight still happened in role play.


      PvP fights have dictated the larger narrative of the server for many years, wars and warclaims are some of the biggest things that shake the server up, even more so then events that are put up by the staff team. Sure, the event team can maybe change the map, but it's the players who change the borders.

    4. Adelemphii


      my favorite thing about minecraft rp is that I don't have to read 3000 lines of someone emoting walking into a room and saying hello to everyone, fun fact, it's not that great.


      I'm talking to you, forum rpers.

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