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warlord of filth

Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by warlord of filth

  1. Freedom ain't free. It's paid for with the blood of patriots (Kincaid) and the blood of Tyrants (Dohvi). Join the Free Posting Regiment to defend your rights!

  2. The FMs are being shadow puppeted by LadyRebeccah. First we take down the FM hegemony then we go for them

  3. Remember, Evil FM tyranny can only triumph when good men stand by and do nothing.

  4. Glory to the Free Posting Regiment! To the barricades brothers, we hold them here!

  5. If I die, I die as a warrior of the Free Posting Regiment. Bring freedom back to the people of LotC. Do you hear us, FMs? Free us from your tyranny before the screamers come

  6. The FM's game me a warning awhile back for something deemed "racist" which had been on my banner for over a year. It took an Admin and a GM to verify it as well. This team is ridiculous and needs things to get set straight.

  7. @Dohvi As FM lead you should have known that you should not have touched Pius's ban appeal. It was a case of misconduct!

  8. be free from the negative post ratio. be free while I  suffer. *dumps rep*

  9. Everyone give the staff a break, they are working harder then normal to get the server up. 

  10. this is my first status update!


  11. Is the copy-paste not working? I am trying to transfer a post from a Google Doc to the Forums, and it's not keeping the format at all.


  12. Enjoy the food, Westerlands~

  13. westerlands activity rn makes me happy

  14. a servant of mordring lay in wait for the unsuspecting westerlanders, ready to catch them with with trousers down



  15. hey its late march and we're still getting gingerbread

  16. hey its late march and we're still getting gingerbread

  17. Rachel Maddow, in attempt to smear trump, proved that he payed a rate of 25% in his taxes and provided 0 Russian business links

  18. hello lotc your favourite trial-trial GM here how are we doing today 

  19. "I like pizza." - @joey calabreeni 13/3/17 [5:43 PM]

  20. so white people, when are you planning on paying for slavery

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