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warlord of filth

Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by warlord of filth

  1. Need female skins? PM me.

  2. I'm out of the shitposting game. The Alphonsian Regiment, though...

  3. Does anyone here plays heroes of the storm?

  4. I tried my hand at pixel art today, and drew a young farfolk defending the road to his city on a windy day





  5. The FMs are the real oppressors. 

  6. seriously though, since james GRUNGON IRONGUT isnt around, the ascended are literally useless and cant be protected why have they not been wiped...

  7. hows haelunor? hope it ok.

  8. Roaches everywhere like we forgot to take the trash out

  9. "I got play-dough, I don't play doe."


    -Chief Keef

  10. Can we have this nazi man removed pls...

  11. So, why doesn't minecraft just add a ton of new detail decoration blocks that do like, nothing game changing? Like, a cauldron. It's just making a sprite or whatever and adding it in, right?

  12. Am I the only one who thinks some parts of the Star Wars prequels were OK?

  13. Am I the only one who thinks some parts of the Star Wars prequels were OK?

  14. Alright, we have an important there is an important question.. Which state is better, Illinois or Ohio?

  15. Have you appeased Sliske today? Don't be shy. @joey calabreeni

  16. Half of my country is burning rn.


    Happy thanksgiving folks, I'm happy for the other half of the country which happens to be mine. (Also thankful for the fact I won't be going to school anytime soon)

  17. Why do people still look at my profile?

  18. can we remove the ******* censors please i mean were all ******* grown ups here bloody ******* hell

  19. I need my rep handouts agian!!!

  20. I love me some Medieval 2











  21. I knew all along, but it still feels so surreal. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain 


  22. very detailed profile picture u have there

  23. look at all these rare cards yugi!

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