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Posts posted by Chorale__

  1. The Son's Herald

    Volume I

    "No More Great Wall"

    The Art of Empire: Great Britain's Victorian War Artist, Elizabeth Thompson  Butler

    *A depiction of the Sons Calvary


    Recruitment Notice:

    The Sons of Petra are recruiting able-bodied men and women to serve their Country. We pay the Unoathed rank, called Petra Patrollers, five minas yearly. Our highest paid rank is paid a salary of thirty per year. An application is attached.


    The official Sons of Petra post

    OR you can use this application

    Citizen of Petra?:

    ((OOC INFO,




    Change in Command:

    Former Marshal of the Commonwealth, Ser Arlotto Green, has gone missing since he assumed office. Therefore, his Deputy Commander, the Baron of Artois, L.H. Halcourt, has been named the Marshal. He is to take over as Commander of the Sons of Petra immediately. The official Chain of Command is as stated:



    COMMANDER OF THE SONS OF PETRA: Laurens Henri Halcourt @DevoutChorale_



    LIEUTENANT: Ser Arthur de Lyons @Andustar

    LIEUTENANT: Wings von Draco @MikhaiI

    LIEUTENANT: Gwendel Vilac @Harald


    SERGEANT: Aldotte Rarr @ChaoticRoller

    SERGEANT: Vacant

    SERGEANT: Vacant


    Destruction of the Wall:

    The Great Wall of Petra has come down. The Sons of Petra took this project on and set up deconstruction chests full of supplies for those willing to assist in the removal of the wall. It came down in less than a year - this is seen as a great accomplishment within our Community and we thank all that offered their assistance!


    The Sons of Petra have also been working in conjunction with S&S Private Investigations to investigate the mangled bodies we have found bordering our region. We are glad to announce that for now at least, we believe the threat to be neutralized.


    Yours Humbly,

    His Excellency, L.H. Halcourt, Baron of Artois, Marshal of the Commonwealth of Petra


  2. I will once again say that I feel as if Mikhail and his friends have learned their lesson. Exogens appeal was accepted, I feel strongly as if Mikhail's should as well.


    Despite this one mark on his record, he's a stunning member of our Community. I wasn't going to mention this but I feel as if it should be taken into consideration when judging Mikhail's character..


    About a month or two ago my 10-year old childhood dog was diagnosed with mammory cancer (sorta like breast cancer for dogs) and needed to have a surgery which would've costed me $1200.00. It was very sudden, and I had no idea how I was going to pay for it with such short notice. Mikhail implored me to make a GoFundMe, which I had thought of doing before but decided against. I finally dropped my pride and made the GoFundMe. The first donor was Mikhail, he donated $250.00 to it. After that, a couple more donations came in. Another $250, $50, etc. all from members of LotC's community. Altogether, we raised $1000.00 for the surgery. 80% of the money donated was from LotC members. I sent my dog into surgery and she came out fine. She just had her stitches removed.


    This guy helped save my dog, he's a great LotC'er - please let him back on the server I just want to RP with Wings.

  3. As soon as Niri'ath Py'lrie heard the news, he dropped to the ground - his heart racing. He cursed. He shouted. Why could this happen? He wasn't particularly close with Rosina, but Talonii means family, and that's what Rosina was to Niri. As the anger and frustration passed, he swore. "Ros, I will light a candle every day for you until we meet again. Van'ayla, cousin."




    It is with great sadness that we publish this missive. Baroness Nicoletta Anastasie has passed away peacefully in her sleep from unknown causes. Though her life was short, her legacy is strong, and her memory will stay with us forever. The House shall enter a period of mourning. However, it is with this fact in mind that we, the House of Halcourt, do hereby proclaim:


    -The eldest and only child of Nicoletta, Laurens Henri Halcourt d’Artois (hereafter; L.H. Halcourt) shall hereby be named the Baron of Artois, his heirs shall hold claim to the House and all titles it may hold.


    The House has decided against a proper wake for the late Baroness. However, a candle will be lit for her each day for a period of a year, outside of the Estate d’Artois and Caer Brasca. 


    May GOD bless the Baron Halcourt.


    Princeps In Omnibvs,

    The Rt. Honorable Baron of Artois, L.H. Halcourt d’Artois


  5. The Halcourt Company

    Located in the Commonwealth of Petra + The Principality of Celia'nor


    Petra Stall

    Celia'nor Stall
    Come shop at the Halcourt Company! We have freshly sourced food, horse whistles, armor, saddles, mining goods, and in our Celia'nor location we're currently testing the popularity of alcoholic beverages and desserts. We do take custom requests/discounts on bulk orders within reason.
    Proprietor of the Halcourt Company,
    Laurens Henri Halcourt d'Artois, Deputy Commander of the Sons of Petra
  6. Hi all, I am in the middle of working on a project which requires me to research all the main religions LotC has. So far I have:

    • Canonism
    • The Red Faith
    • Spiritualism
    • The Wild Faith
    • The Religion of the Four
    • The Halfling Religion
    • Brathmordakin

    Am I missing any? If so, please leave a comment with a link to the Lore page(s) so that I can look into it! Thank you for the help. You can also contact me on Discord @ Chorale_#4767.

  7. 8 hours ago, rukio said:

    Me when I realize 2015 was almost 8 years ago: 



    Which staff team was/is your favorite to be on and why?


    Most memorable moment?


    Favorite person to work with on staff (and why was it me? <img src=">)?


    Favorite settlement?


    Favorite non LotC moment?

    Favorite staff team: A tie between Wiki + Forum Moderation! I thoroughly enjoyed being a Wiki Team Manager for the years that I was, and though my FM Director-ship was riddled with controversy because of a bad decision I made; I really, really enjoyed the good times I had.

    Most memorable LotC moment: This is a tough one, I would definitely have to say all the map transitions are pretty dope, but to narrow it down a bit, the blowing up of Jburg was pretty cool.

    Favorite person to work with on staff: There are a couple, most of them aren't around anymore but, @Vaynth@Violino@Destinator@dogbew@rukio(<3) @2samspan @MrMineLoveDude and a couple others I can't think of at the moment.

    Favorite non LotC moment: My entire high school career, honestly. I was the President of our Honors Society and the Band Captain, super-duper involved in a lot of extracurricular activities, and made a ton of lifelong friends that I still surprisingly talk to today. I was actually voted by the senior class to receive the "Most Involved" superlative!


    5 hours ago, sergisala said:

    What's your favorite Horen-blood House? I imagine that the original House Horen?

    The original House Horen, yuh. Right on the money sergisala!

  8. 3 minutes ago, Neviah said:

    Out of all your years in LOTC, if you had to choose an experience to relive on the server, what would it be?

    Great question, and the answer would definitely be either Felsen or Johannesburg (both Oren). I played my very first character, Fitonor Elmpool, who was in the Felsen Guard and the Jburg Capital Police. I loved that cringy dude. He wore a fedora all the time despite wishes from the commanders of the military, and definitely got in trouble a couple of times for it. I did everything on that character. I bought like three houses in a part of the City and combined them into one big one, called it the "Elmpool Manor". It was amazing. I miss those days dearly.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Aaunic Roleplayer said:

    from one eight year old player to another;

    what keeps you around?

    This may sound cliché, but it's honestly the community that keeps me around. If I didn't have friends that I've had since I first joined in 2015 that keep me interested in RP, I don't know if I'd still be on LotC. There's something about being on hiatus and having someone hit you up in DM's asking you to come try out their new project, that just intrigues me and makes me feel like it's my first day on the server again. It doesn't ever really get old because the options are limitless, IMO. What keeps you around?

  10. 7 minutes ago, Privet said:

    I don't even know if this works, I've attempted to change mine multiple times over the last month or two and while it saves in account settings, it still says 'privet' under my name and nothing on my profiles has changed.

    In that case, it’s probably 1000 posts that you have to achieve. I put “Exiled King” under mine, I can’t really remember when, just that a certain post count allows you to do so.

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