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Everything posted by Caedis

  1. A MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE The Baron of Verskaya’s message to the people of Haense ISSUED ON THE 15th of Vzmey and Hyff, 516 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, I present to you this message: We have been faced with a terrible challenge. The Raiders of the North close in, already in the process of slamming down our gates. Our Queen is sick, forced to care for her own wellbeing at last. The scum of Veletz has risen once more, a few dishonourable remnants of a long disgraced and tarnished nation. And then there's our King. You have all read the missives - You have all heard the accusations. There are those who believe, and there are those with intelligence. There are those who quite rightly claim him a man of undeniable honour, and there are those who wrongly say he eats children. Here is what I say: WHO CARES? I was not personally aware that the common man and woman had become the Aengul of Judgement - did this occur whilst I was away, sieging the fortresses of the Raiders? Did everyone suddenly obtain the right and privilege to pass their personal verdict as fact and law? If that is the case, then allow me to present mine - I don’t give two shits about the words of a Lich. Quite frankly, I believe with not only the Raiders, but the Undead and the Veletzians, we have enough to worry about without speculating on the allegiance of our own people - Our King - who has fought tooth and bloody nail for this nation and its people. And even if pigs start to fly and our King has betrayed us, how does that even begin to justify hatred towards the Queen? If they were working together, They would BOTH be gone. Instead we have a visibly sick Queen and a King unable to show in public - who we have been told is bedridden. Those who know me know my precarious personal relation with Queen Amaya and her council, but I will be DAMNED before I allow any to even DARE to claim that she is not the People’s Queen. Your Queen. A woman who has defended each and every one of you time and time again, regardless of your character or stance. And so I ask, in the kindest way I can, that you stop your useless bickering - Cease the baseless insults and accusations you all seem to cling so tightly to, and pick up a damn sword. Our Kingdom is under siege; DEFEND IT. The Church will root out any corruption lingering in our lands - It is not our place nor concern to search for it ourselves. To do so is to doubt the Church, and to doubt the Church is to doubt GODAN. Have Faith. Trust in our Patriarch, in our Bishop, to eradicate any lingering taint amongst our flock. Remember: We are Haeseni - we are Warriors of the North and Defenders of Black and Gold. We are the Brotherhood; We are the Common Man, We are the Nobility, and We are the Royalty. Remain Honest. Remain Steadfast. Remain Loyal. And for the sake of our Great Nation; KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Signed, His Lordship, Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov, Baron of Verskaya. Her Ladyship, Poppy Sosina Godunov, Baroness-Consort of Verskaya.
  2. Anatoliy rejoices as he realises his wife won't fake die again!
  3. A certain Haeseni Baron scoffs at the 'Advice' section, passing the missive to his wife @Lirinya "So when people spread falsehoods about me, I am forbidden from dueling them; but when they do so about the Royals, suddenly it's everyone's problem.. Deal with this on your own, Amaya, I'm too busy roaming our lands, and eradicating the approaching darkness to bother with your deceitful courts."
  4. Anatoliy bursts out laughing as the report, SOMEHOW, claims Deia was in a relationship with Arthur Burke. "In vyr wildest dreams, Arthur! Hahahahahahah, Godani Ea needed a dobry laugh."
  5. Anatoliy sat with his wolves, reading the words whilst idly tossing pieces of meat towards the two beasts. At last, he set the paper down. He remained silent. He then stood. He went to find his wife, and give her a kiss.
  6. Anatoliy found a copy during one of his long walks around the Valdev slums. His eyes traced over the words - but he hadn't care for their message. "I tell people time and time again.. Remain faithful to the Truth. But Haense abandoned the truth a long time ago.." He returned home, taking the copy of the missive and presenting it to his beloved wife. He said nothing more, but the Baron of Verskaya, The Baron of Haense, had always believed in one thing: Haense was nothing without the People. @Lirinya
  7. Anatoliy Godunov merely tossed the missive into the flames. There was a disappointed look in his eye as he watched parchment burn. "Indeed.. Ag va start their reign off with a lie.. Ea miss the days of honesty ag honour.." His gaze drifted towards his wife, a light smile touching his lips as the cares of the outside world were forgotten. He stepped forward, hands gently taking hers. "We will keep focusing on Verskaya.. Ag raise our children into better men than either of them."
  8. The Baron Anatoliy I. Godunov spared the time to read the missive. His eyes scanned the parchment - Freezing on a particular word - But otherwise, his features giving naught but a light frown until the end. ". .An Amadorian issue for the most part, and not one I can force my way into.. But if even a single soul seeks to disgrace Poppiya's name, they will have to deal with me."
  9. "Ironic.. I write a missive describing the Paladins trapping me in and threatening to kill me, and the halfling decides to call them lovers of Freedom.. Half a 'ling', half a brain, I suppose.." Anatoliy, ever the honest and upfront man, sits within the lands of Dunfarthing as he says this. He always did hate insulting people behind their backs, after all.
  10. DENUNCIATION OF THE PALADIN HERETICS A missive on the disgraceful and vile acts committed by Xan’s Cultists ISSUED ON THE 5th of Snow’s Maiden, 513 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, This missive serves as a public denunciation of the Paladins who claim the moral high ground, whilst condoning heresy and harm towards the innocent. A few months ago, within the city of magic, Hohkmat, my dear aunt Lady Eadywnn Godunov was paying a visit to her longtime friend, and former Mistress of the Abstract, Lady-Magister Laurissa. The two formed a solid friendship during the Lady-Magister’s time serving the Kingdom of Haense, and with my aunt going through a difficult pregnancy, she sought comfort in those close to her. It was during her visit that the Paladin Elena, now the divorced wife of Lady-Magister Laurissa, attempted to take the life of Lady Eadywnn Godunov, my aunt and a Lady of Haense. The paladin spouted false claims of darkspawn - Yet provided not a single ounce of evidence nor truth to back up those lies. She was luckily stopped by the citizens of Hohkmat and the Lady-Magister, but only time will tell what harmful effects her actions will have had upon the unborn child my aunt carries. Many in Haense know of this Paladin - Many outside of Haense know that this Paladin has falsely accused others of being the spawns of Iblees before. Even more will recall that time and time again, she has based her criteria upon looks alone and sought to take a life, without bringing forth any valid reasoning nor concern. My aunt suffers from Albinism, possessing pale hair and even paler skin, but this does not in ANY way justify her MURDER. And if this vile act alone was not enough - Merely a week ago I had been within the merchant city of Kaethul, located in Haelun’orian lands, speaking with the High Steward Lady Ar-Malna. A child had approached us, afraid and hurt, claiming that Caelians had randomly subjected her to a darkspawn test, without explaining what that was nor why she was to be grabbed from the roads and forced to shed blood. Myself and Lady Ar-Malna trekked over to the Caelian border, standing atop the bridge into their lands, and witnessed a checkpoint created by the Brutes, formed in order to test every single person who wished to enter their lands. We kindly asked that they stop - All true Canonists will know that to needlessly shed blood is a SIN, and the insult of being wrongly accused of being a Darkspawn is a heavy one. As our debate began however, two Paladins, Elena and Aeolus, rode up behind us and publicly announced their support for the acts of the Caelians. They dared to tell me my faith was wrong, and when I recited the words of our Lord Palatine, the Faithful Patriarch Josef, they had the audacity to scoff and claim Haense corrupt, faithless, and overtaken by the darkness of Iblees. That insult alone warrants the attention of the Haeseni People, for we are the Bastion of the Canonist Faith - The Ever-beating Heart of Canondom. Our King is Righteous. Our Peace is Just. Our Faith is uncorrupted. But mocking our Kingdom and Beliefs was not enough for the Paladins of Xan. They then demanded that I, Baron Anatoliy Godunov, was to be darkspawn tested. It is known that I have not always been the most public in my worship to our Lord - But to demand that I shed my blood, Haeseni blood, merely for the sake of their own curiosity? I refused. The moment I did, the Paladins drew forth their weapons and clearly stated their intent to kill me, then and there. Their horses blocked the bridge, sealing my escape, and the Caelians too began drawing weapons on me. Faced with little other choice, I allowed myself to be tested - Which proved my innocence as a mere Faithful Descendent of Godan - and was only then allowed to go free. The Paladins have thus not only attempted to take the life of my Aunt, but readied themselves to take my own life, aiding heretics in spilling my blood without any just cause nor reason. House GODUNOV thus denounces the Cultists of Xan, worshippers of an Aengul that they believe to be a GOD. I remind the people of Haense - There is only ONE GOD. We refuse any and all aid towards these bloodthirsty heretics, and implore the other Houses of Haense to do the same. Our Great Kingdom has no place for those who mock us - Threaten our lives - And still attempt to claim a moral high ground after - For is that not the exact same thing the Adrian filth attempted? Is that not the reason we now obliterate their keeps and deliver Godan’s Justice? This is our Peace. KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Signed, His Lordship, Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov, Baron of Verskaya.
  11. Anatoliy speaks no words, yet silently pins the poem up in Verskaya all the same. Yet another, beautiful piece of rememberance, for the love he had lost.
  12. MC Name: Caelaerin Discord: caelaerin Image: aTTACHED! Description of Image: Character Art Dimensions: 2 tall, 1 wide
  13. Anatoliy's anxieties worsened. At first, he had been mildly concerned - Before the battle he had sent his wife, Poppiya, a letter; wishing her to stay safe. Telling her he would see her soon. Telling her he loved her. He had expected one back after the war. Days after the battle, he was still waiting for that letter. The paranoia grew. The fear and worry grew. The Baron Godunov began actively searching, checking all the usual spots his wife could be found - But she wasn't there. Eventually he returned home, unwilling to leave their four children with the maids for too long. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "She'll be back soon.." Weeks had passed. The Baron was awaiting letters back from others - Letters he had sent inquiring as to his wife's whereabouts. He sat in his home of Verskaya - The keep having been newly completed by his own talents and hard work. A warm home. A cozy home. A family home. He was sat by the cot of their newborns, watching over them. Tears prickled his eyes, but his smile - His warm, comforting smile that had endured the utter hell the Baron had already endured - remained on his sleeping children. "Just wait.. Vyr mamej will be home soon.." And so - The Baron remained. Still waiting for his letter.
  14. IGN: Caelaerin Persona: Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov Description/Introduction:
  15. Anatoliy I. Godunov read the missive with a grin - The battle was finally nearing. The Baron of Haense rose to his feet, lofting a familiar polearm to his side - The weapon of his fallen uncle, and most recently his fallen brother. "Krusae Zwy Kongzem." He let the missive drop to the floor of the damp, unknown cave - Leaving it there to be forgotten by time as he marched out. Come the battle, heretics and uruks would be slaughtered, their blood mixed together on the sandy beaches of Balian - But right now, he had darkspawn to slay.
  16. Anatoliy I. Godunov looks at the missive, giving an approving nod. Although he's bad at talking, he's extremely proficient in giving useful advice for some reason. Like having a 2 for charisma but an 18 for wisdom. He then wonders if he should start selling advice..
  17. Anatoliy I. Godunov stumbles back inside the safety of Haense. Atop his back was the corpse of a fallen Haeseni Soldier - A lost member of the Brotherhood who had met their demise down in the south. The Baron had taken it upon himself to retrieve the corpse, and carry it all the way back to Haense, alone, for a proper burial. When the fallen Brother had been taken care of, their corpse set aflame as prayers echoed around the city - Anatoliy recieved the missive of his little brother's passing. A few days later, and the Young Baron set to work. "Jormunharr.."
  18. THE BARONIAL WEDDING A UNION BETWEEN BARON ANATOLIY GODUNOV AND LADY POPPIYA AMADOR ISSUED ON THE 10th of Snow’s Maiden, 509 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, It brings great joy and satisfaction for House Godunov - The Grand Barony of Verskaya, to formally announce the wedding between Baron Anatoliy I. Godunov and Lady Poppiya Sosina Amador. Possessing a love that had formed from early childhood, it was only in their early 20s that the two were finally granted the opportunity to share and indulge in their buried feelings. After spending a few blessed years of courtship, their love blossoming the more time they spent by each other’s side, the Baron proposed to his beloved in the frozen streets of Haense, mere moments after the end of the Tumves Festival. Formal invitations are extended to the following: The Baronial House of Godunov His Royal Majesty, Aleksandr II, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his Royal Pedigree Her Grace, Roslin Baruch, Duchess of Valwyck and her noble pedigree His Grace, Manfred Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his noble pedigree His Grace, Viktor var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree The Right Honourable, Otto Ludovar, Count of Otistadt and his noble pedigree The Right Honourable, Cassian Colborn, Count of Malkovya and his noble pedigree The Honourable, Walter Weiss, Viscount of Novkursain and his noble pedigree His Lordship, Henrik Amador, Baron of Mondstadt and his noble pedigree Her Ladyship, Katrin Stafyr, Baroness of Thurant and her noble pedigree Her Ladyship, Irena Kortrevich, Baroness of Koravia and her noble pedigree Personal invitations, in no particular order, are extended to the following: Her Serene Highness, Yera Silveira, Overlord of Kaethul, Lady-Magister of Hohkmat and her Royal Pedigree Her Royal Highness, Sibyl Gwyneth, Princess of Monterosa, Duchess of Atrus and her Royal Pedigree Lady Marilyn Moere De Resmore of the Viscounty of Meis, and her family Firress Ar-Malna, Steward of Kaethul, and her family Lady Mariola Sturmweber and her family Lady Viktoria vas Ruthern, Heir to Marsana, and her family Dame Gwenyth Callista Vilac Vuiller, Countess-Consort of Aquilae and her noble pedigree Lady Watanabei Mei and her Family Firress Zielle Va’eylul (Cookie Mamej) and her Family Firr Marjoram and Company Firress Naya and Company OOC INFO: Date: 23d of December - 5pm est - Haense Basilica (Church)
  19. Lord Anatoliy Ilya Godunov, now the Baron of Verskaya, viewed this missive with conflicting emotions. The respect he had for his mamej was immense - And his newly found Responsibility was even more so.. Memories flashed before him. All his life he had believed his family to be raised on one simple principle - Sacrifice. His hauchpapej, the first Baron of Verskaya, had sacrificed his dreams, his joy, and ultimately his family, for House Godunov. His aedypapej - His namesake - Had given up his very life to the Mori years before Ilya was even a conceived thought. And his Mamej.. Well, he knew very well the things she had sacrificed for her House. Baron Anatoliy I Godunov rose to his feet, and, with a gloved hand clutching a certain bejewelled cross, made outloud the solemn oath he'd kept in his heart for over a decade - "The Tradition of Sacrifice ends with me. No longer will my family suffer - No longer will Verskaya be cursed and beset with Misery or Misfortune - My people's dreams, whether they run with the Blood of Godunov within their veins, or simply call Verskaya Home - will be achieved. I swear this to Godan Himself - My people will be safe, comfortable, and Happy. Amin." The young Baron grabbed his papers and set to work. By GOD there was a lot to do.. OOC NOTE: A very, VERY big thank you to @ibioufor this opportunity! She's led the Godunovs amazingly well, and I couldn't be more grateful for being given the chance to do the same! Now - Let's pray I don't **** it up xD
  20. "KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM!!" Anatoliy Ilya Godunov yelled in pride, raising a glass in celebration!
  21. Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov read the missive. As one of those mentioned initiates - As the nephew who carried his uncle's body and sword home to his Kingdom - The expected announcement of his death was unsurprising. His gauntleted hand clenched the paper, shredding through it in moments. His right hand slammed to his chestplate, and he gazed up to the sky. "Rest now, aedypapej. Vyr sacrifice will mean something. Ea swear it."
  22. Raised an eyebrow, and replied, "Deny the whereabouts of one's own kin? The first moment I found Raelle was when she was injured - Abused with a broken limb and cuts. I provided medical aid, naturally without asking for anything back, and told her that I would be sending a letter to the Lady Veronica Weiss, which I then prompty did. The reason she recieved medical aid that day - The reason you now know where she is - The reason she is alive - Is because of me. And call me a child all you like, Lord Palatine. Only one of us is throwing a tantrum here over an honourable declaration of a noble Duel. Only one of us is throwing petty insults. And only one of us is threatening the lives of another, during a time when foreign nations threaten our own. Ahere to the wishes of the People's Queen, Our Queen, Koenas Amaya - And focus on the enemies outside of the gates. Krusae Zwy Kongzem." Signed, Anatoliy Ilya Alyovich Godunov, Heir to Verskaya.
  23. Anatoliy Ilya Godunov saw this reply, and gave a slight frown. Said frown turned to a silent, cold glare. And so, he, in turn, wrote a reply to this reply. Reply-ception. "To the Lord Palatine, Viscount Walter Weiss, I'm afraid you've been misinformed. Raelle's mother never feared she was dead - For Raelle herself had sent numerous letters to her mother, all of which were ignored. Raelle's fall into the vile Druidic paganism is regretable, but it was not Lady Iduna Colborn who denied the Weiss the right to see and speak with her. It was Raelle herself who wished not to speak with the rest of the Weiss family. Due to my own intervention upon finding her injured, she met with the Lady Veronica Weiss, whom I had personally informed of Raelle's location and state. Raelle herself had also told me that she had sent letters to her mother. She herself told me that every single one had been ignored. What has happened within your family is Not the fault of Lady Iduna Colborn - For Iduna did not force Raelle to leave your family. I do wonder though - In your missive disowning your own uncle, you claimed it was for the sake of his children - Yet, immediately after, one of those children ran away from you. I hope that your family will cease taking out unjust actions, and quite frankly petty insults, against a child. Maybe if the Weiss focused on this eternal winter as much as they did on Iduna, we would be freed from this curse."
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