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5923 Rep Farm Business Owner

About MunaZaldrizoti

  • Rank
    The Moost Happi
  • Birthday 02/17/2000

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  • Interests
    Writing, RPing, and watching Game of Thrones episodes over and over!

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    Ioanna Kortrevich | Milena vas Ruthern
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Single Status Update

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  1. Between making backdoor dealings with some players in order to manipulate roleplay to silencing victims of literal homophobia, I am genuinely concerned about what is going on with LOTC staff right now. Two years ago, I was able to remove TWO pedophiles who targeted me because I felt that the staff had my back and the evidence against them was substantial. What is going on now, in 2021? 


    Are things like racism, homophobia, and blatant abuse not enough to warrant a perma-ban? This is a community made up of MANY different kinds of players, not just the ones you deem to be worthy of your intervention. Please don't treat one terrible act differently from another. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT.


    (Additional Note: This is not the first time in the last year that players who have abused others or been overtly cruel have been allowed back on the server. Stop it. And no, this isn't me just making a status to seem like I'm some hero. Anyone who knows me, like me or dislike me, knows I've been outspoken about this stuff for a long, long time.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dasdi


      I won't be surprised if this status is deleted either. LOTC Administration has a LONG history of silencing **** like this. I'm not surprised by our numbers anymore. The staff team can put out as many feedback threads and player retention reports as they want, that won't stop the amount of people leaving, due the miscarriage of justice on staff's behalf.

    3. MissToni


      They keep repeating the same mistakes.

    4. manicfairy


      It’s called lotc not really knowing how to not be toxic 

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