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  1. Sister Spring slowly blinks, before uttering the words "DAMN IT TAYNEI, WHAT NOW?!"
  2. Do you have any idea just how diverse the religion RP is just among the Wood Elven playerbase? It's all not just the Wild Faith, which is the worship of Mani, but you have Aspectism, the worship of just Aspects, the entire spectrum between the two points. Heck, some druids, who you'd expect to be located at some point, might see it as a philosophy setting. The high elves have philosophical religion, so how is that even gonna fit into the system? I'm not sure what the dark elves have going on. And how are the artifact and events going to work if certain religions, such as Wild Faith (Mani and Aspects are real, but they don't care for any of what the Wood Elves do), Cannonism, the Red Faith, the Dwarven religion, and etc. are, for the lack of better term, have no substance in the overarching lore. What is powering these devices? And we already had an issue where an ST touched a religion figure without knowing the lore, resulting in people actually thinking the Hummingbird Mani can hear their prayers, where in truth, they can't and wouldn't openly interact with the wood elven people out of good faith. So, yah, even if you accounted for the various of flavors of the religion found within the server, wouldn't a good portion just have no power as they're based off of false assumptions? Not that there's anything wrong, I so love the idea some things are lore aren't correct from an Ooc stand point, but the characters believe it so much it doesn't matter. It is real to them, effects their everyday lives, and does have influence.
  3. Curiosity. Cold. Quiet. The fluttering wings of a moth caught her attention. Back of her mind played as they weren't creatures who lived long, who lived for one purpose. Perhaps she was simply as unlucky as the moth caught in the cold along with her. For now, she say besides her grandfather, not sure what to say. What was there to say? ". . . Hi Aubelo. . ." There were thoughts, regrets, ruined hopes and dreams left behind. But now, it was alright. She was in a better place. She cannot undo what has been done. It was going to be okay. For the first time in forever. The princess truly felt safe within this castle. As she once was when both she and her grandfather was alive. OOC Context:
  4. π™ΌπšŽπšπš’πšŒπšŠπš• π™½πš˜πšπšŽπšœ 𝚘𝚏 πšπš‘πšŽ π™·πš’πšœπš™πš’πšŠπš— π™²πš›πš˜πš πš— π™Ώπš›πš’πš—πšŒπšŽπšœπšœ Notes of: Esperanza Alba de Pelear Date: 13th of Wzuvar and Byvaca, 469 ES Teacher: Surgeon General Roui Tawarenion Medical Lessons with the Surgeon General Roui Tawarenion Question: How exactly do you approach an injured patient? Via: Check for any enemies are nearby. James: Examine the patient and ask questions of the wound(s). Both answered were considered correct, Via's answer showing the more protective side of medical work where James' answer showed the more curious and investive side. It is important medics approach with the air of privacy, neutral, and ready to help. Question: What does neutral mean in this context? In this context being meaning to help everyone and anything that requires our aid. Tip: Showing fear yourself will cause the patient to fear. Pain cause raise one's emotion, make them do something out of turn. Cloud our judgement within tense situations for the patients. Something important to be noted. Important Topic: Privacy You must always respect a patient's mental and physical privacy to ensure the feeling we can defend, aid, and protect the person at hand. In the hands of somebody who could truly care for their needs. Treatment One of the first steps to treatment is to clean the wound/wound sight. Types of Injuries Seen within the Clinic: -Concussions -Broken Limbs -Broken Ribs -Cuts Very Common. Question: How does one handle a bleed? James: Depends upon the case, most times, tools and salves. Tools would be correct, salves being a topic to cover later. Applying pressure to the wound stops the bleeding, broken bones uses a splint, such basics can be covered in text within the library. Splint: Two pieces of wood, or another hard substance, tied together on each end to hold a bone in place. Question: What if the bone is poking out? What do you do than? If a bone is poking out, than it requires an assessment. Make sure the bone is placed back in, which shall be painful, and will require further surgical methods. One the bone is set, treat the broken skin, ensure the bleeding has stopped, than clean the wound with saline solution, water, and/or alcohol.
  5. Adventuring out into the local forest, a princess with her magical wand wandered, since that day never really felt confortable, being third to find the body behind a stranger and her younger sister. The servants knew better than to mention the missive. Feeling how tense the household grew, she remained mostly away in her own little world. Where everything is just fine and everyone was waiting for her at home, even her grandfather.
  6. "I'm jus' glad he devoiced tha' other one lik' I been tellin' him ta do for years!. . . He didn' even invite meh." A certain annoyed Italian cousin murmurs, though the dame was happy non the less at her cousin's good fortune.
  7. "It has been som' time since I've seen Meredith aroun'... We need ta get tha' girl started on her trials." The Dame mused, Giovanna finally seeing the end to the near chaos of the Norland incident and the transfer of power being completed. The girl would come around on her own, surely. . . . Surely.
  8. Giovanna prepares her armor and weaponry to ensure they shine, excited for Georg in his upcoming coronation.
  9. Another day, Dame Giovanna Barclay another life. Simply to prepare for the transaction of power, would be her duty, yet, she couldn't ignore the ping of pain within her heart to see the royal couple go. Part of her mind that was still childlike simply figured they'd be there forever, a strange sobering cold washing over her as reality checked in. She was an adult. The old generation is taking their rest. It was simply time for her generation to ensure the future of the nation. As she silently poured a bottle of carrion black in the old couple's honor, offering a small prayer for the best in their next life.
  10. Vindicated due to previous protest against the mass testing, Dame Giovanna adds salt to the required materials to be carried by all BSK members. "Ser Conrad is gonna love hearin' about THIS!"
  11. Once upon a time it use to be humans, but over time playing one, I was reminded why I didn't want to. Luckily, the entire communities aren't like that, just the ones the other human players warn you about. I can't make another wood elf, I rather slam my head against a wall. Dark elves are hard to skin, and I also not overlooking the racial undertones that are both questionable and hit too close to home. High elves are a maybe for replay, but without the Nazi culture. I hate sprites with a burning passion, and ended up hunting them regularly as a druid because people didn't stop acting edgy or annoying on them. Old lore Dryads were boring as hell. Will say, humans have been a nice break from high magic lore, but the personality issue does seem to be a thing. Mostly as a good portion of the population blends together I kept mistaken multiple people for each other.
  12. "Tha' does remind me we need horses agai'..." Upon noting the donation of the carrots, Dame Giovanna adding it to her list of things to do.
  13. An opinion on other nobility's matters was something Giovanna rarely afford for herself, but this, only brought scowl to her face. Sparking into question what she would be, should an unspoken Aunt exposed her in place of legitimization. The truth of the matter, the same, currently within a position fueled by her own blood sweet and tears to climb towards. Something she would of been anyway under the guise of a commoner or the truth as a bastard. Truth of the matter, she'd needed to go knock some sense into her seer friend, Viorica, once more.... While ignoring the urge to punch her brother.
  14. If it wasn't for the fact she was currently facing off against a monster right now, she'd be celebrating.
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