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Status Updates posted by TinyBiceps

  1. i love you and hope you and the AT are doing well (also tox i guess say hi for me)

    1. Vaynth


      I love you too Ren. *glances at my 7 members* y-yeah, we're doing great! (tox said "he's okay")

  2. i love you i love you i love you

  3. i miss my pocket indian

  4. i motion for all fm's to change their forum pics to :thinking:

    1. Heero


      we're two steps ahead of you @mitto

    2. mitto


      whomstve wuldve thunkt it

  5. i need some good mojo, in case you need some too;

    ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)⊃━☆゚.

    1. Ducklingator


      i do good wind mojo love me

    2. Jakraes


      I do good nature mojo

  6. i never thought i could love an object that doesn't exist so much but


    i love my pointy bab

  7. i showed my dad my PK post and now hewants me to write a bio for his DnD character

    1. Zindran


      tell him to pay $3 and you'll do it ;)

  8. i somehow came across a musical anime by accident and in the 7th episode there are now singing dogs.


    1. Vaynth


      Quality content.

  9. i think @Vaynth is hacking because as a FM and an AT it is impossible to have a higher rep-to-post ratio. impossible.

  10. I think disturbingly wondrous things like this need to be shared. http://princebases.deviantart.com/art/Mettaton-x-Oc-2-581898974

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vaynth
    3. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      this is art i wish i could draw as good as ths ))):

    4. Jygg


      Mettaton looks like Iblees

  11. i think the core of salt in my being is because with my minimal amount of effort i was never made into a druid and i'm never coming back

  12. i thought we had a connection! then you go fts with someone else! smh!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TinyBiceps


      i am a handsome small boy excuse me

    3. Kanadensare


      i believe you said you declined my offer : (

    4. TinyBiceps


      that doesn't mean you can fts without me!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. i wait all this time for my game to update and now i don't wanna play anymore >:(

  14. i want @TheCritsyBear to have an amazing day and also wanted to say you're one of the best rp'ers i've ever talked to !   (i'm Jester in case you were confused)

    1. Gallic


      Whaaaaaaat since when am I cool enough to have people shouting me out on the forums in a positive way?


      I don't even know what to say. Thank you.


      shoutout to @ren! for uhhh same

  15. i want to watch Glee and The Strain simultaneously i need a musical about vampires/zombies

  16. i want to write a story about the Aspect Cerridwen but that might be too boring to post i need good story ideas !!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Archipelego


      make a story about a god highschool, and include all the major deities on lotc. 'O-oh, Tahariae-senpai."

    3. iris1612


      Write a story about a Human peasant getting caught up in a major human war. Everyone who takes part as a playet in a wc is a knight or a noble or a commander, etc. And WC posts are always upbeat "we won **** yeah! !" Would be interesting to see something from the perspective of an enlisted who doesn't really want to fight, and to see something that doesn't glorify war so much

    4. TinyBiceps


      @MaxGemini That's actually a really good idea, I have an old piece of writing I did like that but never posted. Maybe I can revamp it. If I do I'll give you credit too of course

  17. i was so close to making a shitpost but i saved myself and cancelled. 

    1. Doug


      Here's the rep I would 've gave if you didn't save yourself

    2. tilly


      Good for you buddy. 

  18. i'll be on the forums basically all day so if you need an FM, just scream very loudly for me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TinyBiceps


      you have summoned me

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      can i be added to fm chat

    4. TinyBiceps


      hold on i'll go ask

      edit; rebecca says yes of course

      @joey calabreeni

  19. i'm a bit late but man, the Daredevil series is great

  20. i'm crying because my jaw hurts while i'm trying to eat this raisin bread and it's not fair i just want to eat this please

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Trintea☕️


      I would eat a burrito with meat and junk over raisin bread any day. Ew. 

    3. TinyBiceps
    4. Trintea☕️


      ur more ew. 


      Ha, gotcha. 

  21. i'm free

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TinyBiceps


      sometimes if you love something a lot you must let it go

    3. Vaynth
    4. TinyBiceps


      a song to make you happy


      i will apply again some time : )

  22. i'm glad i don't roleplay often enough to miss the server. keep trying u brave addicts<3

  23. I'm glad the advertisements know who to market for. Ah yes, me, an underage  gay man. I will be needing this


    1. TinyBiceps


      i wonder what the phrases are. shoulda clicked

    2. AGiantPie



      nice try

    3. TinyBiceps


      you're right i'm actually not any of the 189 genders i just realized

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