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Status Updates posted by TinyBiceps

  1. ironically i wanted this bag for christmas. for some reason my mum was reluctant to buy it...


  2. quick i need more rep than @Vetren54 before he posts another meme

  3. hey what's your favourite holiday dessert around this time of year? doesn't have to be Christmas related!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mrlollytime


      Either a 

      Carmel Dutch Apple Pie




      Peach and Plum Tarte 

    3. Kaelan


      Chocolate Cheesecake 

    4. thaddeus11


      Molasses cookies

  4. it's kind of funny,, my character, the peasant, slightly crude, simple minded man who happens to be in the Imperial Administration, is technically invited to the fancy Noble dances n' all that.

    1. bungo


      guys double xp weekend

  5. this community is one big drama alert scandal.


    1. TinyBiceps


      i forgot to change the title. whatever.

  6. to be quite honest i think the change makes it look clattered, but nice job anyhow

    1. Vaynth


      I like that you don't have to go onto people's profile's to view their status or +1 it. Very convenient. 

    2. TinyBiceps


      me too actually! some nice features were added. that was a nice change, and i guess aesthetic isn't too important. or maybe it's just me that thinks it looks like that.

    3. Vaynth


      Nah I think it looks a little cluttered too. Mainly the pictures showing and the little numbers on the bottom to get to older statuses. But it makes everything faster so that's a huge plus. 

      Oh and now you can edit responses! That's great.

      Edited by Vaynth
  7. i just found this graphic on my computer i made in grade 7 or 8 and for the life of my i can't remember why i put "John Cena", on it. i've never liked wrestling or anything like that..


    yes it's horrible. it makes me want to cry.

  8. i want @TheCritsyBear to have an amazing day and also wanted to say you're one of the best rp'ers i've ever talked to !   (i'm Jester in case you were confused)

    1. Gallic


      Whaaaaaaat since when am I cool enough to have people shouting me out on the forums in a positive way?


      I don't even know what to say. Thank you.


      shoutout to @ren! for uhhh same

  9. if there's anyone that knows about flora and perhaps flower symbolism, could you help me with something?

    1. Space


      like that weird welf flower **** that @Trinn | nnirT made?

    2. TinyBiceps


      literally exactly what i was looking for, thank you !!

  10. wishing people a good day is currently my favourite thing to do on this server. be careful you could be next!! :)

  11. wow i really love my cat. alot. love.

  12. go to school kids it's important



  13. I'm glad the advertisements know who to market for. Ah yes, me, an underage  gay man. I will be needing this


    1. TinyBiceps


      i wonder what the phrases are. shoulda clicked

    2. AGiantPie



      nice try

    3. TinyBiceps


      you're right i'm actually not any of the 189 genders i just realized

  14. wow i love 20 won pielots XDD

    1. Ducklingator


      fkin hell, we have a computer in class and this song was played way too much. Then I went to a friend's bday, and it was there.


      I hate you.

    2. TinyBiceps


      no one is safe. a TOP song is played every time i leave my house.

  15. f800f4b2b3eb4b048ab7b893db5e998a.png

    1. BannedGecko


      Is he stupid???


    2. TinyBiceps


      perhaps a bit slow in the head but we love him nonetheless

  16. so apparently in my 3 day absence from school we finished an entire science unit what the ****

    1. H



      Edited by ||||||||
  17. So I've started a collection;

    Warning, NSFL










  18. day 47: i've missed three days of school, the illness is going around,, i think i have the black plague

  19. so, i just told my mum what cybering was. fun conversation actually.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TinyBiceps


      having a nice chat over some tea, cybering is obviously came up what's so weird about that. in her MMO game she plays apparently some people log on just to cyber

    3. Weabootrash


      i do that with ltoc 

    4. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      we know, combine

  20. i don't know who you are, but you made me laugh. finally someone recognizes my true self, me, john goodman.


  21. i hope everyone has a good day. whether you stay home or go out, have fun :)

  22. Need to find a cultist? Frost witch? Wraith? Hang around my human! He seems to attract such things with ease.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space
    3. morrisaye


      Any of my characters as well. One cultist/frost witch/wraith situation ended, another character meets a wraith and a dread knight. 

      I'm a lucky duck.

    4. Harri


      unless you attract darkstalkers you arent cool sadly

  23. I just remembered something that happened last Halloween. So my mum made brownies, her brownies are so good, and since I was trying to gain weight I decided I would eat a lot of them. But I didn't want my parents to know for some reason even though neither of my parents would've eaten them anyways, and I would've been the only one taking them. So I took two on a plate and stuffed 5 down my pants. Needless to say it didn't end well for me but my parents never knew.

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