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About Nooblius

  • Birthday 03/15/2003

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    Striking the Earth, Long walks in the cavern layers.

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    Markus Marie
  • Character Race
    Raev 'n' Proud

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  1. Guys did we make character racism against the rules without telling me because I am so banned if so

    #HateElves #LoveYemekar

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nooblius


      I was making a joke, though I will tack on @ClassyDryad that I don't think a vast majority of people on the server are aware that "darkie" has any IRL connotations. Like if you checked it on OMNI, it would be like a firework show how many times it'd light up. Now, lack of considerable fault doesn't mean no adjustment in behavior, but I think similar to spook not many people are aware it's a contentious term at all IRL.


      I am an advocate for reality and ideological consistency before all else, so if it's a change the community wants then it's a valid discussion to have I just don't support blaming folks for behavior that far, far more people are guilty of.


      Also fantasy insults are way more fun. I defer to my favorite Roleplay Racist @TheFirstShroom to comment on this

    3. Benleft


      It is beyond absurd to allow a phrase that has been used to demean people in conjunction with very real discrimination and violence. The admin decision here is willfully ignorant at best. It is a slur. Don't allow slurs.


      It is not that hard to enforce this and to take a stand against bigotry every once in a while. 

    4. itdontmatta


      @Benleft then make a forum post and open a dialogue about it. It shouldn't be decided on the basis of a revenge report. I don't care about it having a place on the server, we don't lose anything from removing it. 



      It is not that hard to enforce this and to take a stand against bigotry every once in a while.


      not going to take the bait

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