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Status Replies posted by khovend

  1. if anyone gives me an ungodly amount of oak logs i will make you a skin 

  2. if anyone gives me an ungodly amount of oak logs i will make you a skin 

    1. khovend


      @satinkirai am sadly having to redo a settlement by hand because our settlement app is taking to long LOL


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. if anyone gives me an ungodly amount of oak logs i will make you a skin 

  4. i have drunk four cans of lime pepsi today

  5. Seeking sinners who are halfway decent with armors and possibly fur cloaks n such. Price range is 300-400 per skin.

  6. these "union of the (animal) and (animal)" posts are the pinterest wedding templates of the lotc world

  7. this is not a status update this is a cry for help
    telanir is inside my house please i’m so scared

  8. For the most part people should be limited to one staff position and lotc should have to accept all volunteers!!!!!`  change my mind!!!!

    1. khovend


      says the one who slammed her fist so hard into her laptop and broke it during a fit of rage 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Tosali best house

    1. khovend


      @Hero_ Indeed, i'm glad I left them for the life of me 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  10. Uhhhhhhhhhh...Still no ******* wifi.. *Lurks sadly*


  11. I found a secret about LOTC. Don't take it seriously

    1. khovend


      May I praise this 

  12. i'm quitting the server due to the pressure coming from the corrupt halfling GM, mister cablam. i will let myself out.

  13. i'm quitting the server due to the pressure coming from the corrupt halfling GM, mister cablam. i will let myself out.

    1. khovend


      Safe ways Parion, I'm always here for u if ya need it :')

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. "The server is now under maintenance" ... I hope someone didn't break the server again.

  15. "The server is now under maintenance" ... I hope someone didn't break the server again.

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