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Everything posted by OzYmandi

  1. Shamanic constructs with a greater/ancestral spirit inside it, isn't it?
  2. I need a pet bird in my life. So cute.

  3. Well, I figured how to do this.
    Time to be cringy

  4. Reason of Admittance: To start the studies of the Astronomic. Prior Experience in Astronomical Study: None. Aiming to join to learn. Signature: Dinklemerry Vineboot. Halfling.
  5. "Shitty wood elves?" inquires a peasant with dirty garb
  6. "Another settlement to raid!" a raider exclaims.
  7. THE TATTOOS ARE FROM THE ARRIVAL +2934629539057403075937843093785092343
  8. ADD-UP ON LANGUAGE! For the clan! - Fyrir klan okkar! For our honor! -Fyrir heiðurs okkar! For the Ursa! - Fyrir Ursa! For the North! -Fyrir Norður!
  9. The Vanguard readies the hounds of war "The Adunian scum shan't live"
  10. Most likely. Who kills it, gets it.
  11. I don't hate haense nor its people. As you say: 'wtf are you on, lol'
  12. Event Planners, MC Names: SaltySoviet Event Type: (Dunno what to write here, will just explain the event) I was thinking on a (kinda) cliché event, featuring the infamous 'Headless Horseman'. He would be a kind of antagonist, though he will be stopped by the players that will participate in the event. The Headless Horseman's abbilities include: An Axe that produces fire out of the top. Your Timezone: UCT:+o3:00 (I'm on Everyday but on tuesdays and thursdays.) Affected Groups: Humans of Saint Karlsburg. Event Location: Saint Karlsburg. Summarization: The Headless Horseman, a myth, a legend, finally comes out of the shadows. His first move would be riding into the city of Saint Karlsburg, causing havoc to anythin he could touch. The participants of the event are tasked with stopping the Headless Horseman with any means necessary (sorry if that was wrong) before he wreaks more havoc! Concept Images/Screenshots Since my laptop can't handle uploading things, I'll put the gyazo links: https://gyazo.com/c6cd33f5c844b90cfa1bc1615a0f9b4a https://gyazo.com/086bf0d0e54181cf9d59f17b52aa8bfc https://gyazo.com/c5b9be3e7c8ea435f4d84390d9201ea7 What help do you require from the ET Actors or Builders? Well, I'll get the skin myself. Anything the ET thinks they can help, feel free to PM me. I don't think I'll be needing any help.
  13. A small goblin puffs out some Fumemix, giggling slightly and falling to the ground sleeping. +1
  14. Hayreddin makes sure to note he didn't bid on ANY of the man's auctions.
  15. Hayreddin grumbles about how Black and Yellow are the Karlsburg colours AND the Westerlands colours.
  16. Hayreddin raises his hand with a fat pouch of a single coin "ONE MINA!!!" The farfolk scram.
  17. Oh lordeh I like it, finally antagonist stuff, I'll +1 just from being antagonist. Gud!
  18. Like a proud cowboy (McCree) once said "Not good, not bad... But it sure as hell ain' ugly" +1
  19. Satyr are Fae, they wouldn't even go near alchemy in my thought. And Hou-Zi are munkey peepul Edit: Also, great sub, +1
  20. Murgosh'Raguk cringes as he knows the 'fullsteel smithery' isn't going to be able to pay. "All these people..."
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